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      Frank Paulding & First Canadian

      Toastmasters Club #38 (Part Seven)

      Harvey Schowe, DTM - District 7 Historian

      Victoria Toastmasters Club #38 members                  a toast to the President of United States and the
      officially received their charter on Wednesday,         President of Toastmasters International.
      January 15, 1936. Frank Pauling, general secretary         Mr. Hud spoke about speakers’ groups
      of Victoria YMCA introduced Mr. Raymond J.              activities in the United States, particularly on

      Huff, Toastmasters International President. Mr.         the Pacific Coast.  Huff said every club has an
      Huff presented the charter to James H. Hill,            extensive waiting list.
      president of the Victoria Toastmasters Club, the           Mrs. J. Rose, president of the Ladies Public
      first Canadian Toastmasters Club.                       Speaking club, R. W. Murdock, president

             According to a Times Colonist newspaper          of Friday evening public speaking class,
      article, Seattle guests at the ceremony were L.         F. Butterfield, chairman of the Education
      Edward Hed, Toastmasters District 2 Governor,           Committee, and Mr. Menzies, president of the
      J. Huff Jr., and Frank Fretwell. James H. Hill,         Speakers’ Club offered their congratulations.

      Victoria Toastmasters Club, introduced the                 Raymond J. Huff’s, President of Toastmasters
      guests. Welcome was extended by J. O. Cameron           International report about Victoria Toastmasters
      on behalf of the YMCA.                                  chartering was as follows. “On January 15,
          Program opened with toast to the king, then         your President, the District No. 2 L. Edward

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