Page 32 - Voices-2021-05
P. 32


      CREATIVE, EH??

     Ken Coomes, DTM

      So far this year we’ve been exploring the four          afterthought, a mechanism to drive your plot and
      writing resources I mentioned briefly in January.       enliven your characters, or as the main element

      Last, but not the least of these, is a writer’s group   in your writing? However you treat dialogue,
      I discovered last year—the Creative Academy for         are you doing your best? And we haven’t even
      Writers, out of Canada.                                 begun to talk about dialogue attribution. All of
          The Creative Academy offers a “pay as much          this is covered, from different perspective, by

      as you wish” approach. I recommend trying them          the Academy.

      out before you donate, to see how much value               Maybe you’re familiar with mind mapping,

      they help you. Then donate accordingly.                 you’ve at least heard about it, or you’re an
         What do you do when you’re done? Your book           expert. The Academy allows you to share your
      is finished? Go through and do some blue pencil         knowledge. Other members, all in the business
      editing and rewriting, BEFORE you send it to            of writing, will share their knowledge of mind

      your editor. You won’t catch every mistake; you’re      mapping; as well as talking about socialmonials,
      human, after all, But so is your editor. Every          narrating and recording your own book, author
      correction you make is one less for your editor         voice vs. character voice, and more.
      to miss. The Academy has already presented                 What if you’re not interested in hearing what

      several pieces this year on revising and prepping       other writers have to say about the craft? Perhaps
      your manuscript for editing.                            you feel like you’re already an expert in every
         How do you treat dialogue? As an  subject covered by the Academy. (You should

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