Page 35 - February 2021 Voices
P. 35
The only way that we
can live, is if we grow.
members (plus the brand-new members)
deal with Pathways and how they all helped The only way that
one another progress. James Wantz put an
extraordinary amount of time into figuring out we can grow is if we
Pathways. He assisted in numerous changes for
Toastmasters International. change. The only way
I have decided to continue and start learning
more about Pathways, as it is the future. I will that we can change is
learn—but now I see my larger role will be to
share some of my accumulated knowledge and if we learn. The only
how it applies to Toastmasters.
I am looking forward to having fun with those way we can learn is if
continuing with Pathways and those continuing
on other paths. You are all invited to visit many we are exposed. And
clubs now whether you have continued on with
Pathways or not. the only way that we
Cleon Cox has been a Toastmaster since
1994. He is currently a member of Feedbackers, can become exposed is
New Horizons, and Wallmasters. He has served
in all club officer roles, and is currently the if we throw ourselves
Treasurer for two of his clubs. He earned his
DTM in 2009. He was awarded the Herbert C. out into the open. Do it.
Stude Educational award in 2001-02 and the
Toastmasters International Presidential Citation Throw yourself.
Award in 2010. He continues to be a mentor and
coach to members, charter new clubs, and serve — C. JoyBell C.
on District committees.