Page 31 - February 2021 Voices
P. 31

Keep Calm and Carry On

 Paul Fanning, DTM

                               But back to Maggie’s  the WVS emblems. She organized fundraisers,
                            story. In 1927 she sat for  first aid training, opened a relief canteen and
                            an examination with the  when the GPO was bombed, served around the

                            Post Office to serve as a  clock with the injured, relief workers, police, air
                            Storewoman in the Supply  raid,and casualty/mortuary service.
                            Department. She passed               Maggie earned the Defence Medal for civil
                            her examination with high  War Work for her three years of duties. She

                            marks meaning she had a  continued on after the war and was awarded
                            head for figures. The tally  the British Empire Medal from His Majesty the
                            keeping required in the  King, for her time and further efforts.
                            store department, as well            Added to that upon her retirement, was the

                            as the chance to work in  Imperial Service Medal for 25 years of civil
                            the General Post Office  service. Sadly, she died on April 14, 1955—two
                            (GPO) like her father, was  days before her birthday. Had she lived a few
                            important to Maggie.             years more, she would have also easily received

                               She advanced in the  the Women’s Voluntary Service Medal created
                            Supply Department to the  after her death.
                            Superintendent of Women              I have the pleasure of displaying her medals,
                            in 1937—quite a remarkable  all bright and shiny, as a tribute to an almost

                            achievement for a woman  unknown Londoner, knowing she had indeed
                            in a male-dominated  kept calm and carried on. She would have
      workplace.                                             proudly worn her medals at memorial services
          Britain began preparing for war with  and other veterans events proclaiming her

      Germany. By 1939 all Post Office employees  service to King and Country—just like any other
      were being signed up for volunteer war service  member of the armed forces. Walter and Emily,
      positions—whether as air raid wardens,  had they lived, would have been proud of their
      volunteer nurses, ambulance drivers, etc. A new  first child and clever daughter.

      organization, the Women’s Voluntary Service,               Why do I relate her story to you fellow
      was formed to replace men needed for the armed  Toastmasters? The message and lesson are simple.
      forces. Of course Superintendent Hoare readily  Ordinary people often do extraordinary things.
      joined up, wearing her new green uniform with  Often times their exploits and achievements have

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