Page 32 - February 2021 Voices
P. 32


      nothing to do with their status in society, their       through Level One in Pathways, or have them

      bank account, or the make and model of the car          compete in a speech contest—all would improve
      they drive. Steadfast and sure, yes. Keeping calm       their delivery and method triple fold without the
      and carrying on, double yes.                            poor speaking they are currently passing off as
         So how does this apply to our organization?          “a polished speech.”

      I would love to do a mock WW2 style poster                 Don’t get me started with today’s youth who
      of our District Director PJ Kleffner standing           don’t even talk with each other let alone someone
      tall on the poster and pointing at us saying            older than they—beyond a nod of the head, a
      “TOASTMASTERS WANTS YOU!”                               “yeah” or LOL BTW texting.

         No, I’m not trying to be funny for the                  So, my friends and fellow seekers of
      message is true. We need more Toastmasters              improvement, here’s the bottom line as I see it.
      and Clubs. We need more people, caring about            We must draw a line in the sand and say, “no
      their fellow men (and women), to help them gain         more.” No more loss of membership. Let us reach

      self-confidence, learn how to speak and lead—           out and grow our Club membership now and
      assisting others to strive to grow, to succeed, and     through the remainder of this year. No more
      to achieve their potential.                             clubs disappearing or using COVID-19 as an
         How we speak, how we work with others,               excuse (I am re-thinking Zoom fatigue!). Instead,

      and how we encourage others to strive for that          let us create new clubs—dynamic, enthusiastic,
      confidence in “finding your voice” is sadly lacking     and relishing Pathways.
      in most of today’s society.                                The membership renewal period has begun.
         We accept the mundane, the mediocre                  There are incentives for your Club to increase

      and the easy options that will rarely lead us to        membership—money for your Club, recognition
      achieve our potential. I challenge you to watch         for those who recruit new members, etc.
      television (or whatever is your media of choice)           Let’s raise the bar higher than before.
      and truly listen to what, how, and why they are         Let’s KEEP CALM and carry the message of

      saying what they do. Grab a generic evaluation          Toastmasters on and out to our communities,
      form and watch an interview (your ah-counter            friends, churches, and other organizations.
      pen at the ready).                                      There may not be bombs dropping, but your
         I have watched and listened to many political        service, your achievement, and your progress

      leaders in the last year. Most could not deliver        are calling—and it is a clarion call. Be  Margaret
      an ice breaker at our Club meetings! Ahs, ums,          Emily Hoare and sally forth.
      run-ons, double starts, no organization—the
      list goes on and on. They need Toastmasters.

      Give us one of these “professional” speakers
      in our clubs and we would help them become
      dynamic, confident, and easily understood
      speakers. Encourage them do Table Topics. Run

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