Page 34 - February 2021 Voices
P. 34



     Cleon Cox, DTM

      It was almost 27 years ago that a new friend              At this same time I was continuing to
      suggested I check out Toastmasters International.  mature. Little by little I found my goal changed
      He was a most sage person in my mind, and I  to assisting others in attaining their goals and
      wasn’t too sure why he made the suggestion. I  encouraging them to reach for the stars.

      mean, I took speech in college and had overcome           Now we have Pathways. We have grown and
      the fear part. Yet, something led me to check  made changes before but this was a big change
      them out. I picked up the phone book and  for us all. Without growth and change, it is hard
      found Toastmasters International. I called them,  to adapt to the world around us. Those of us

      sharing my area and address. Lou Webb sent  that have been around for a long time have seen
      me a printed sheet showing clubs in my area.  solid, long-term businesses come and go (Sears,
      You know what? There was a club several blocks  Monkey Wards, REA, White Front, W.T. Grant,
      from my home.                                          Greyhound) and the list goes on. Toastmasters

          That is how it all started.                        have worked long and hard to improve what we
          I joined Wallmasters International a few  were used to.
      weeks later. Why wouldn’t I? The folks were               Then along came Pathways! The new and
      friendly, fun, and nice to me.                         improved Toastmasters program. Some folks,

          From there it was about learning how the club  I’ve heard, aren’t too interested in moving on and
      meetings functioned, manuals for the education  into Pathways. I also began wondering if I really
      portion, and speech contests twice a year both  wanted to convert to Pathways, even though I
      in and beyond the club. I soon learned it wasn’t  understood the distinct value in today’s world.

      all about getting over the fear of presenting. For  I’ve already attained my DTM and am really not
      me, it was about learning to listen better, giving  worried about attaining another.
      better feedback, and becoming part of the group.          Then it struck me that it’s not about me. There
          The supportive environment seemed to assist  is much more to learn. I had to ask myself, “do

      members to grow faster and learn more, yet it  I really want to go through a whole new way to
      took a few years for me to recognize this feature.  do what I’ve been doing for the past 26 years?”
      I began to see how positive feedback, along with  It’s all I can do to keep up with my passwords.
      suggestions, worked pretty well.                          I began seeing and hearing less seasoned

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