Page 38 - February 2021 Voices
P. 38


      Frank Paulding & First Canadian

      Toastmasters Club #38 (Part Four)

      Henry Schowe, DTM - District 7 Historian

      The Vancouver YMCA promoted a public  German submarine torpedoed and sank the S.S.
      speaking education organization debating team  Lusitania.

      on October 9, 1913. Public speaking courses were              In 1928, the YMCA public speaking students
      offered in 1915. After World War I, YMCA staff  and Frank Paulding organized two clubs. The
      continued the education program. The program  junior organization known as the YMCA Public

      included agriculture, salesmanship, public  Speaking Club organized with H. C. Duffus,
      speaking, foreign trade, and business courses  president; P. J. Salter, vice president; Ed Allen,
      with an enrollment of 250 students.                    secretary-treasurer. The club members met
          Dr. C. C. Cameron spoke about the value of  Thursday evenings at the YMCA for supper. The
      public speaking at a dinner meeting on Friday,  Public Speaking class final meeting held a speech

      November 11, 1921. Businessmen in the audience  contest for the Henri trophy. Silverware was
      enrolled in the course. A public speaking club  presented to the winner. The Spokes Club, that
      was organized on Thursday, October 23, 1924.  had operated for several years, re-organized for

      Members arranged oratorical contests and  the term with Harold A. Jones, president; Clifford
      revived the old Vancouver Debating League.             Babcock, vice president; and Cline Singleton,
          On November 25, 1925, YMCA public  secretary-treasurer. Club members met on
      speaking instructor, Mr. T.S. Baynes, delivered  Mondays at the Piccadilly Restaurant. During
      the speech “How to Acquire Self-confidence  the 1930 YMCA Summer School that was held at

      in Public Speaking.” Several businessmen  Whittier College campus Los Angles, California,
      spoke about benefits of the course. The YMCA  Ralph Smedley began organizing Toastmasters
      public speaking classes continued to have  on July 26th. Clark Chamberlain was elected

      high enrollments. While serving as YMCA  temporary chairman and committees were
      secretary, Frank Paulding became a public  appointed to study plans. Frank Paulding
      speaking instructor. The term ended for the  attended the Toastmaster organization meetings
      New Westminster YMCA public-speaking class  where he expressed interest in having Spokes
      on April 22, 1927. A banquet was held with A.  Club become associated with Toastmasters.

      W. McLeod as Toastmaster. After the banquet,
      the students presented Frank Paulding the book
      Elbert Hubbad’s Scrap Book as an appreciation

      for his work as an instructor. Elbert Hubbad
      was a famous American artist, philosopher,
      and publisher. Elbert and his wife died after a

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