Page 8 - August 2020 Voices
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way for members to the development of the VPP role as his High
navigate through Performance Leadership Project for Level 5.
the education His club VPE, VPM, and a new member are the
program and perfect Guidance Committee for his project.
gain credit from They have already held two of the five required
Toastmasters Guidance Committee meetings. The personal
International. learning, collaboration, and fun within the
What does the VPP do? Great question! The committee have been astounding.
VPP can help new members choose a Path, use Sandra completed Level 2 in her Path and
Zoom to show them how to navigate through joined the Mentor Program. She has received
Pathways, and help schedule their Ice Breaker excellent guidance from her own mentors. It
speech. All members will benefit from a VPP who is meaningful for her to now pass along that
will serve as a resource for Pathways questions kind of help to her club members. She sees
and offer one-on-one Zoom sessions. The VPP this as a cycle of growth. Her positive mentor
can offer scheduled learning sessions or Q & experience inspired her to want to share the
A. Make learning fun. Be a cheerleader for joy and fulfillment of learning with others in
Pathways. Do I see a Distinguished Club in the her club. She realized the role of VPP would be
making? perfect for her.
I want to share a practice that works well in Sandra completed her required initial
my club. We call it a “Pathways Minute.” Truth assessment within the Pathways Mentor
be told, it can be as long as three. One question is Program. The next project requires her to help
answered or topic addressed at the beginning of another member complete one of the projects
each meeting. In just a few weeks we have made in their own Path. Veronica just joined the Club,
substantial traction helping members that were and wants to complete her Ice Breaker speech.
previously stuck making progress. They are now She doesn’t know where to begin. Sandra, the
both more clear and motivated to accomplish new VPP can mentor Veronica through her first
education goals within Pathways. This would project and fulfill the second requirement toward
be a great role for the VPP. If you can’t wait, ask her own completion of the Pathways Mentor
your most Pathways savvy member to institute Program. A win-win! Sandra will help her fellow
this practice. Club member start her journey, receive her own
While the VPP will not receive credit for education credit, and have fun doing it!
being a club officer, there are many creative ways Do you feel inspired to help your club
to include this role into the education program. members navigate through their chosen Path?
Here are some examples: Does the role of VP Pathways sound like a good
Jim is the new VPP in his club. He can use fit for you?