Page 12 - August 2020 Voices
P. 12


      The Importance of a Plan

      Eldred Brown, DTM - Club Growth Director

      If you fail to plan, you plain to fail. Or, as I’d  finish. I didn’t follow my own agenda as closely
      heard in my Marine Corps training, poor prior  as I would have liked, but having the agenda in
      planning produces poor performance. So why  front of me showed me that I had fallen behind

      is planning so crucial to success that failure to  and forced me to adjust on the fly so I could
      plan produces such poor results?                       accomplish my goal of finishing on time.
          A plan shows clearly what needs to be done,            Have you ever tried to drive to a remote
      what goals are to be achieved, and the amount  location to which you’ve never been before

      of time to spend on completing the set goals. In  without a map to guide you? You probably got
      this way, planning and time management are  lost, didn’t you? I did that recently when I used
      closely related.                                       my navigator rather than a map to travel to the
          For example, in planning my first Area/            bottom of Abert Rim near Lakeview a few weeks

      Division Director Training session last month,  ago. The navigator took me to the rim, all right,
      PJ recommended that I write down a few major  but to the top of the rim. I got an excellent view
      time points in my outline. That way I could see  of the lowlands from this favorite hang-gliding
      when I was ahead or behind schedule and adjust  launch point, but it wasn’t where I really wanted

      accordingly. I wrote a comprehensive agenda of  to be. You probably know from experience that
      what I planned to present and when. The agenda  I was much less likely to get lost if I had used a
      was itemized down to every minute, which was  proper map to guide me to my destination.
      much more detailed than I really needed it to              Plans are somewhat like that map. A plan

      be, but it helped me. The first time I presented  helps you see where you want to go and how you
      the training session I recognized that I had  want to get there. If you don’t know where you’re
      fallen seriously behind schedule because of the  going, how will you know when you arrive?
      challenges of moving participants to and from              A plan for your personal life will help you

      breakout rooms for the required small group  achieve what you want and map out how to
      activities. To finish on time, as Toastmasters  get there. When you draft a Club Success Plan,
      pride themselves on doing, I realized that I had to  you will help your Club decide what is most
      cut out one small group activity and rush to the  important and map your Club’s path to success

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