Page 11 - August 2020 Voices
P. 11

There go the people. I must follow them,

                                                     for I am their leader .
                                                                                         ~Alexandre Ledru-Rollin

      The Covid-19 pandemic was a major setback  account.

      for us last year, but we managed a strong finish          Speaking of cash, have you always wanted to
      with a record number of members completing  attend an International Convention and Speech
      education awards. We are still dealing with  Contest, but couldn’t get past the price tag for
      many uncertainties around the pandemic, so we  registration, airfare, hotel, meals, etc.? One

      are making contingency plans for whether we  positive side effect of the Covid-19 pandemic is
      have Toastmasters Leadership Institutes, speech  this year’s International Convention and Speech
      contests, and the annual Spring Conference in  Contest is all online, AND free of charge! Check
      person or online.                                      out the agenda and register here.

          To encourage our Clubs and members to plan,           In closing, we have done a lot of work over
      we are offering many incentives, ranging from  the past couple of months training and planning
      submitting your Club Success plan to paying  for the year. It is now time to execute the plan
      your dues on time. You can see the details on  and reap the rewards of our hard work. As your

      the D7 website at or on page 15 in this month’s  District Director, I will do my best to lead by
      Voices! Some of them have looming deadlines  staying out of the way, and trying to keep up, as
      (September and October), so act fast to put some  all of you are accomplishing great things.
      real cash in your pocket or the Club’s bank

                                                                                  VOICES! | AUGUST 2020         11
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