Page 16 - August 2020 Voices
P. 16
Paris: Peut-être Une Autre Fois
(Paris: Perhaps Another Time)
Emilie Taylor, DTM - Immediate Past District Director
I was thinking about Paris and what could have run to the Mona Lisa—not even enough time to
been the Toastmasters Convention August 2020. I catch a glimpse of the naked marble people on
was truly looking forward to the trip for a myriad the way past!
of reasons . . . and not all of them Toastmasters This time around, I imagined a laid-back
related. convention as I was no longer part of the District
I visited Paris wApril 2003 for three days Trio. I was looking forward to hanging out and
including a round trip flight to Bonn, Germany. just chilling with my Toastmasters friends.
It was supposed to be my honeymoon—four We are indeed very lucky to be members of
years after the wedding—to visit my family in this great “world” organization. We should not
Bonn and then a side trip to Paris. keep this best secret to ourselves. We need to
To those of you who have been to Paris, the share this organization with as many people as
time was indeed very short, especially when we think can benefit. And we should share with
one day was spent at the Palace of Versailles and people we think it may not benefit. After all, we
only two hours at the Louvre Museum before do not know what people need. Providing an
our flight back to Bonn. opportunity to share can be a game changer for
Remember Chevy Chase in the movie those who may not know that inexplicable, but
Vacation? That famous Grand Canyon stop? palpable, something that brings out the greatness
Well, that was the Louvre Museum. A ticket, a in each of us. It really made a difference for me.