Page 4 - August 2020 Voices
P. 4


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         COVER STORY                                              COLUMNS

           6      Are You the Next VP Pathways?                     10      PJ’s PERSPECTIVE
                                                                            DUI’s (District Updates & Incentives)
                  David Bones, ACG, ALB. LD1
                                                                            PJ Kleffner, DTM

         EDITORIAL                                                          District Director

                                                                    12      FROM THE DESK
                                                                            The Importance of a Plan
           3      Change Happens                                            Eldred Brown, DTM
                                                                            Program Quality Director
                  Phyllis Harmon, DTM
                                                                            FROM THE DESK
                                                                            Leaders Don’t Quit
         FIELD NOTES                                                14      Lorri Andersen, DTM

                                                                            Club Growth Director
          29      Along the Flexibility Freeway                             I WAS THINKING . . .
                  B. Lee Coyne, ATMS
                                                                    18      Paris: Peut-être Une Autre Fois
                  New Horizons Toastmasters                                 Emilie Taylor, DTM
          33      We Are Zoomers: Adapting & Moving Forward                 IImmediate Past District Director
                  Jennifer Schmidt, ACB 334
                                                                            BURIED TREASURE
                  The Re-Engineered You - The Self-Help             21      Eugene Toastmasters: Oregon’s
          34      Podcast in Disguise                                       First Club (Part 3)
                  Todd Lemense, MS3 & Joe Anthony, DTM                      Harvey Schowe, DTM

                                                                    24      BACK TO BASICS
                                                                            Reflections on a Pathways DTM
                                                                            Paul Fanning, DTM

                                                                            JUST WRITE
                                                                    28      Who Let the Dogs Out?
                                                                            Ken Coomes, DTM

       4      ONE COMMUNITY
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