Page 15 - December 2019
P. 15


                                               B. Lee Coyne, ATMS

    Last Christmas my dear wife Carmela, also a                  Yes, old St. Nick must dress properly for the
    longtime Toastmaster leader, passed away from  sleigh ride. His suit must be well suited to engage
    dementia. She had once been an area governor  in the art of chimney transit. And his bag of
    in suburban Salem. Carmela actually died  goodies has to be adequately light enough so that

    on Christmas Day. Her TLC is sadly missed,  the poor deer are not destined to the Emergency
    mistletoe and all.                                        Room for hernia treatment. Every Toastmaster
        All of us must sustain losses along life’s  speech and evaluation  made likewise requires
    meandering trail. Yet we also can choose to be  Plans A and B as a backup not to falter.  Christmas

    resilient and let the past propel the present. Santa’s  Season is an ideal time to shine out.
    sleigh does not go on its own. It requires eight hearty      Your audience probably won’t garner you with
    reindeer all pulling in the very same direction.          kisses precisely. But the equivalent shall come
        That world trek entails a roadmap lest Mr. Claus  in resounding applause.

    wind up in the Lost & Found Department.                      Merry Communications everyone. . .

                                                                                VOICES! | DECEMBER 2019       15
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