Page 19 - December 2019
P. 19


             Paul Fanning, DTM

      or the rarely seen possum and the millions of  area director. I had arrived early, walked in the
      squirrels bounding about on their business, but,  door-and was not even greeted, questioned as

      AHA Watson-Here’s the proof-the game is afoot!         to whether I was even in the right meeting or
         We in Toastmasters are in the business of  introduced to other members. I sat alone in the
      making impressions too. Think about that for  back of the room, wondering what I had got
      one second. What impression does your club  myself into, cursing silently the district director

      make? Is it “set in concrete” like the paw prints  who had cajoled me to be an area director. It was
      of the racoon? What impression upon visitors  nothing like the training video! Finally, at the
      and new members does it portray?                       end of the meeting, I was asked if I was interested
         Amazingly, Toastmasters recognize the  in joining Toastmasters. Not at that club. Other

      importance of “first impressions” that a club  successful clubs had one or two greeters at the
      makes in the Area Director Club Visit Report.  door, welcoming members and guests into the
      They ask about the ease of finding the club  meeting room, introducing other members and
      meeting location, the friendliness of the members  club officers, and the experience was 180 degrees

      and greeters, and especially, is this setting easily  from club number. First impressions count-the
      identified as a Toastmasters meeting? I took the  smiling face, the open and welcome handshake,
      time to review about three years of these area  etc. We are all in Toastmasters to grow, progress
      visit reports for clubs that have now closed their  and assist each other in our personal and

      doors and or ceased to be a Toastmasters club  professional development. Be friendly-make it
      in good standing. Three salient points emerged  fun-and be willing to take the risk of meeting
      from this unofficial study that I wish to share  someone new!
      with you about “impressions”.                              The other key element I discovered-which

         First, those clubs who are no longer with  did not come as a surprise-was the “secret” club
      us (sniff, sniff) did not welcome guests to their  meeting. No, I’m not talking about the challenge
      meeting. One of the reports I reviewed had  of a corporate club and the need for going
      been written in my first cycle of visits as an  through security, etc., but the community club

                                                                                VOICES! | DECEMBER 2019       19
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