Page 14 - December 2019
P. 14


                      The Gift of Toastmasters

                   Eldred Brown, DTM - Club Growth Director                                                                               MISSING THAT MISTLETOE
                                                                                                                                                                      B. Lee Coyne, ATMS

                 Remember that scene toward the end           does this all mean? As one of our marketing
             of A Charlie Brown Christmas when Linus          brochures advertises, Toastmasters is a place
          and Lucy and all the neighborhood kids give         where you can find your voice.

      Charlie Brown the gifts of a decorated Christmas            During this holiday season, one of our
      tree and of song? Remember that look on Charlie         cultural traditions is the giving and receiving
      Brown’s face when he realizes he finally has            of gifts. What greater gift can we Toastmasters
      the support, short-lived as it may be, of all his       give to our fellow Toastmasters than the gift

      friends? “It (he) just needs a little love.”            of feedback that is true, that is helpful, and
          Now think about the support we give each            that is kind? What greater gift can we give to
      other in Toastmasters and the confidence we draw        those who are not yet Toastmasters than the
      from that support. Think of how life changing           message that Toastmasters can help them find

      this has been and can be for so many people. At         their voices? So many people need to acquire
      the annual Christmas party of my home club,             skills in communication and leadership that
      the Babble-On Toastmasters, we focused Table            can help them ace the job interview and land
      Topics on testimonials of what Toastmasters has         their next job, that can help them expand their

      done in the lives of each of our members. One           skills in the performing arts, that can even help
      person talked about how Toastmasters helped             them retain their mathematical skills while
      him grow as an actor and performing musician.           they’re speaking. Toastmasters can help them
      Another shared how Toastmasters helped her              gain these skills. What are we doing to get the

      find her calling as a mentor to others. A third         word out?
      spoke on how his former employer recently                   As we approach the holidays, let us consider
      hired him to evaluate new employees’ sales              what gifts we give each other. We Toastmasters
      presentations. We heard about how a member              have many special gifts we can give others: the

      can now express himself with more confidence            gift of a listening ear, the gift of a kind word
      in work meetings, how another no longer clams                    aptly spoken, the gift of an invitation
      up when asked to speak, and how yet another                           to a Toastmasters meeting or open
      has eliminated negative self-talk from his                            house. Let us consider what we can

      vocabulary. The testimonial that                                   give others and be generous with our
      stood out most to me was how                                        gifts.
      one of our members found her                                           Merry Christmas, and happy
      voice in Toastmasters. What                                holidays to all of you!

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