Page 16 - December 2019
P. 16


      Calling All Candidates - Accepting Nominations through January 15, 2020

                            2020-2021 District Leadership Nominations Now Open

      A District’s success depends on the quality of  the District 7 Spring Conference at the Annual
      its leadership. This is the time of year when we  Business Meeting April 25, 2020:
      begin the process of identifying qualified leaders

      for the 2020-2021 Toastmaster year.                    District Director
          Serving as a District leader is a great                As the District Director, you are responsible
      responsibility and an exciting opportunity. Your  for directly administering and overseeing the
      term of office is filled with chances for you to  District’s day-to-day operations, finances and

      renew your perspective, practice teamwork and  human resources. Fortunately, you have a
      develop your capacity to translate values and  team of District leaders to help you fulfill these
      strategies into productive actions.                    responsibilities. You must empower your District
           Members of the District team depend on  leadership team members to work together

      you to help them develop their own goals and  toward the District mission, while supporting
      achievements. Clubs see you as a facilitator to  each one in his or her development as a leader.
      their success. You instill a sense of enthusiasm,  Together with your District leadership team,
      fidelity and responsibility throughout the  you participate in District Leader Training,

      District.                                              Mid-year Training and online training via the
          If you are ready to use the skills you have  District Leader Tutorials on the Toastmasters
      learned in Toastmasters to take your leadership  International website. To serve as District
      experience to the next level, please consider one  Director, you must have served at least six

      of the District positions. Here is a link to the  consecutive months as a club president and
      District leader competencies for each role.            at least 12 consecutive months as a program
                                                             quality Director, club growth Director or division
      The Process                                            Director, or a combination thereof at the time

          The D7 Nominating Form (found here) can  you take office
      be used to nominate yourself or someone else
      for one or more District offices. You may send  Program Quality Director

      an email to Adelel O’Neal, District Leadership             As the program quality Director, you are

      Chair (, to announce  responsible for all aspects of education and
      your candidacy.                                        training within the District. This includes
          The following positions will be elected during  supporting quality club programming efforts,

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