Page 10 - December 2019
P. 10
The Gifts of Toastmasters
Emilie Taylor, DTM - District Director
The holiday season for me is a time for reflection. again on stage or off. The people applauding you
As I look back, I realize I am not the same Emilie are doing so mentally and physically. Through
I was around this time last year. I experience clapping they are saying: “It is OK, you are OK,
tremendous growth day by day, thanks to I have been there. We all have been there.” For
Toastmasters. the new Toastmaster: “Oh, this is what I have to
What are the gifts I have received? do. They did ok and did not melt down. Maybe
COURAGE: Courage only comes when we I can do the same.”
learn not to procrastinate. Procrastination for EXCELLENCE IS NOT PERFECTIONISM: One
some can be an unconscious fear. Fear of not of our 4 core values in Toastmasters is Excellence.
being good enough, not getting the right idea We become better at what we do ---speaking and
across. What are your fears? Loving ourselves leading--- by practicing. I have learned that what
despite what others have said in the past (or worse we perceive as perfect is not to someone else. Our
yet, what you think you think others think about self-image is not perfected and thus we will miss
you) takes courage. However, loving ourselves the bullseye. Hey, hitting the target by aiming
and letting ourselves know that is is normal to for the bullseye is OK. You have plenty of times
have some fear. This is the step that moves us to step forward, step up and may I say step past
through the thin veil of fear and brings us past fear, and perfectionism to reach exponential
procrastination, self-doubt, and self-sabotage. personal growth. What a gift!
Courage brings confidence. PERSON-TO-PERSON COMMUNICATION:
CONFIDENCE: Confidence, are you kidding? This gift can be illusive. Toastmasters is an
I remember spending more time coming up with exchange of gifts. What you say, how you say it,
a good list of excuses for not doing the tasks in how it is received and the feedback. Most of the
front of me than actually getting in line and time it is about ourselves. We have something
doing my best with what I had and what I had to say and immediately we are in the defense
learned to date. That could be the icebreaker mode so deeply that we do not actually hear
speech, or yes, even writing this article! Showing what the other is saying for the feedback mode.
up every time we are asked to do a role in our Again, in Toastmasters we are in a volunteer
club meetings builds confidence. Confidence group that is here for all of us to learn effective
building is the biggest by-product of being a communication. When we are communicating,
Toastmaster. Toastmasters is our safe learning are we spewing forth words and seeking defense?
school where we can try, fail, get up and try Or, are we really trying to find the words, pause,