Page 6 - December 2019
P. 6


           My Toastmasters Journey

           Abraham Alfaro, PM2

                   December’s spotlight is trained on Division B Director

                   Abraham Alfaro. In this month’s article, Abraham shares
                   highlights of his Toastmasters journey.

                   I joined Toastmasters in 2012 when I was broke,
                   unemployed, and houseless. Someone suggested
                   I attend a Toastmasters meeting to develop my
                   interviewing skills and tbuild my confidence.

                      My first impression of the meetings I attended, as
                   I bounced around western Oregon looking for work,
       PJ Kleffner, DTM
                   were of groups of people working hard to be better
       Program Quality Director
                   tomorrow than they were yesterday. That atmosphere
       Service with a Smile
                   of self-actualization (along with the people I have met
                   along the way) keeps me coming back every week.
                      In Toastmasters, I have had many moments of
       Erik Bergman, DTM
                   growth and sudden bursts of realization. One of my
                   “A-ha Moments” came while reading Confessions of a
                   Public Speaker by Scott Berkun, a book I would not have
                   pulled off the shelf if I hadn’t been in Toastmasters. At
                   one point, Berkun discusses his theory for the origin

                   of glossophobia, the fear of public speaking. He thinks
                   it derives from an atavistic response an individual has
                   to having multiple sets of eyes watching them. We start
                   feeling like we are being hunted by pack predators

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