Page 9 - January 2019 Voices
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components of the plan that will continue to of working and achieving our distinguished
work in bringing the team and district to its district goal.
destination; and to identify the components that And when the last few weeks of the year
are not in alignment with the plan. It is time to approached us at a rapid speed, we feared that
adjust them. Assume the responsibility to ensure we were not going to have enough clubs to make
that the updated plan is the one that everyone is our goal. But we refused to give up. We reached
working on, and that everyone is headed to the out, we asked, we collaborated, we invited, we
same destination, thus ensuring district success. persisted.
When I was District Director (2001-2002), On the evening of the very last day, our
we were striving to make Distinguished status. Lieutenant Governor Marketing (now Club
Our District had a reputation of achieving Growth Director) sent in the papers for our
approximately 15th in the world and I felt I was final club and we were over the line! The fear,
the steward of the district’s reputation. It was not frustration, and fatigue all melted away as we
just about what I wanted as an individual but what celebrated together. We had done it! Our district
our district wanted to be known for and we had had worked together to reach our goals. We kept
chosen to be known as distinguished or better. the vision in front of us, we stayed on course, we
It was a worthy goal and it became my ultimate never lost sight of our destination and we worked
destination for the team. to the last hour of the last day to achieve the goal
The members believed it was possible and we all wanted.
that was key for me as leader. When I got tired, I If it is your “normal” or usual practice to coast
remembered that they trusted me and the district through the last days or weeks or months when
leadership team to lead them to Distinguished. approaching a goal, challenge yourself as a leader
We wanted to be worthy stewards for our district to put your full thrust behind the project to the
and our clubs and members. very last day. Trust yourself to believe that you
When I felt like I had had enough Toastmasters can achieve your goals.
that day or week or month, I had members Take some time for yourself to ponder the
encouraging me. I had a mentor who supported following questions. Are you willing to commit
my learning and continuous growth. I had an to something bigger than you? Are you willing to
entire team that was willing and very capable risk the vulnerability of publically declaring that