Page 10 - January 2019 Voices
P. 10
you and your team will go for the highest
standing? To aim high and give it your
all? Will you lead with heart and courage? ur goals can
Step out and stand for something? Do
you or do you not really and truly believe Oonly be reached
that you can achieve this goal? If so, you
will experience a tremendous rush of
leadership and teamwork. through a vehicle
Now, you are sitting in the leader’s
seat, in control of the members and the
plans, you have filed a Success plan and of a plan, in which
assumed responsibility for arriving at the
final destination of distinguished status we must fervently
or better. You are leading us.
So take a deep breath down into your
belly, settle into your leadership role, believe, and upon
consult the path, and get ready for a
celebration when you land at your final
destination in leadership. which we must
Reach out, grab that throttle and take
off down that runway. There are new vigorously act. There
destinations waiting for you and your
Don’t quit until the final day! is no other route to
And rest only when the journey is done!
Pat Johnson, past International president,
is the owner of Pat Johnson & Associates, success.
where she coaches leaders to help them find
their greatest versions of their authentic selves.
She works to help individuals overcome their —Pablo Picasso
self-limitations and to aspire for more in life.