Page 14 - January 2019 Voices
P. 14
The Toastmasters Village
Emilie Taylor, DTM
Program Quality Director
It takes a “Village” of Toastmasters to raise a and delivering of a speech, the meeting roles,
Toastmaster! and the rest of the club meeting activities. The
This sounds somewhat familiar, but there is choices to join in and challenge one’s self are
real truth. It also takes “Choices” of an individual what helps the “Village of Toastmasters” have a
to choose to grow and develop. vital purpose.
This was clearly evident to me during Stepping out, stepping forward, and stepping
our Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI)- up is a positive choice. Stepping into fear and
Midcourse Correction on January 12, 2019. I was self-doubt is also a choice. That choice leads to
very happy to see the enthusiastic faces of our nowhere.
officers and members who shared their Saturday As members of the trio, we also have to take
with us, and to connect with friends, meet new stock of where we are with our district goals
Toastmasters, learn new ideas and see where and how we are doing with our district mission.
their clubs were heading. John, Cate and I were in Seattle this past week for
We are more than halfway through our 2018- our mid-year training. Indeed, it was a Village
2019 Toastmasters year. My hope, of course, is of district leaders—District Directors, Program
that your clubs are on track for the Distinguished Quality Directors and Club Growth Directors
Club Program (DCP) goals you outlined in your from 18 districts. I found it extremely helpful as
Club Success Plan at the beginning of the year. we had a chance to meet and reconnect with our
If your goals are not on track, this is the time peers and learn new ideas and best practices. It
to take stock of what is working and what is not. was also a time to hear brand new updates and
This is also the time to reflect on where you are what is coming down the pike from Toastmasters
with your personal goals. International.
One of the best things is that the Village On a personal note, one of the things I have
is here to help develop leaders. As our tagline learned about Toastmasters is it has helped me to
says: “Where Leaders Are Made”. Leaders are choose to be positive. The more we are looking
developed by the doing of Toastmasters. Leaders for the positive, the more we find the positive.
are developed by the task as officers, the creation Perhaps you had a bad day at work or life in