Page 18 - January 2019 Voices
P. 18
Pathways is Contagious –
Be a Vector
James Wantz, DTM
I went to the doctor yesterday and got shot. It a previous article I discussed how the resistance
was a flu shot, but I got shot all the same. I got to technology has little to do with Pathways.
the flu shot so I won’t get the flu . . . at least that Yes, Pathways lives on the computer, but those
is the hope. I get inoculated against what I don’t resistant to doing Pathways on the computer
want to catch—but not against what I do want often have a beef with the computer instead!
to catch. I want Toastmaster members to catch An analogy might suffice to explain: I don’t
the same Pathways Enthusiasm (P.E.) that I have. like driving in large cities. The streets are usually
I work hard at spreading P.E. by doing training crowded, confusing, and cramped. If my favorite
events like the recently very successful TLI store moves into a large city, then the reason I
training event. [Side note: TLI was successful stop going to that store has nothing to do with
not because I was training - it was successful the store itself—it has everything to do with
because hundreds of club officers got trained my dislike of city traffic! If someone dislikes
by many excellent trainers, there was a fantastic computers to begin with, then their resistance
Keynote from a former International President to Pathways has more to do with computers
of Toastmasters, the event was well coordinated than Pathways itself.
by a crew of many volunteers, and a good time I can do little to spread Computer Enthusiasm
was had by all.] I also spread P.E. by doing online —that is a different virus—but the giants (Apple,
webinars, visiting clubs, and answering emails. Google, Microsoft, etc.) are doing a pretty good
I am a P.E. carrier, a vector! And I love it! job of making computer use ubiquitous. Those
Over the course of the year, I’ve encountered darn computers are everywhere! Instead, I focus
those that want to be inoculated against the on Pathways Enthusiasm. I love helping people
P.E. virus I am spreading. They don’t want to get into Pathways and start to discover the cool
catch any sort of Pathways Enthusiasm. None content. I like spreading my enthusiasm. I really
whatsoever! Can you believe it? like that no one has suffered this particular
I understand there are many reasons, but Pathways Enthusiasm virus before.
the main one is that they don’t like Pathways! The accompanying graphic is a comparison
Wow! Amazing! They don’t want to catch P.E. between Pathways awards in October and again
because Pathways Crumudgeonism (this is an in January. Pathways Educational Awards are
old Legacy virus) and Pathways Enthusiasm can’t rising! P.E. is spreading to more and more clubs
coexist. They are mutually exclusive viruses. In every day! It’s a Pathways epidemic!