Page 12 - January 2019 Voices
P. 12


                               Mid-Year Leadership Training:

                                                   Seattle Key Takeaways

                                                      John Rodke, DTM - District Director

      Can we shift our fear of change into excitement                  experiences shape the lives of not only
      for new possibilities? - Yes! In an intriguing study             the member, but their entire network and
      published in 2013 by Alison Wood Brooks of the                   community. What are you going to fail at

      Harvard Business School, participants said: “I                   so you can succeed?
      am excited” three times before performing an                 •  Every good leader should train their
      anxiety-inducing activity. This simple change                    replacements to be able to step in at a
      helped them switch from a threat mindset, into                   moment’s notice, and thrive. This creates

      an opportunity mindset. Their brains shifted                     a dynamic legacy, and has the greatest
      from worrying about all the things that could                    potential to create a positive impact within
      possibly go wrong, into what new paths and                       an organization. This starts within our
      experiences were available. They dramatically                    clubs. Are you training your successors?

      improved in their performance. So can you!                   •  The Humorous Path will be open to all
          As Toastmasters, we are constantly pushing                   members on February 4th! Yeah! I know
      our comfort zones and getting into our growth                    many of us have been excited for this new
      zones. The last two years have been full of                      opportunity.

      changes we can choose to fear, or get excited                •  Area Directors and District Officers are
      about! I hope you will choose the latter.                        talent scouts and opportunity providers.
          At Mid-Year District Leader training in                      Share what you would like to accomplish
      Seattle, Emilie, Cate and I, had the opportunity                 with us, and we will help you achieve

      to learn with 60 other Toastmaster leaders how                   it. If you are interested in the awesome
      to serve you more effectively. Here are a few key                opportunity to serve our members,
      takeaways:                                                       please contact your Trio, or reach out to
          •  When members are promoted into District                   Donna Stark, our Immediate Past District

             Leadership, they have an amazing set                      Director.
             of opportunities to improve themselves                •  If members don’t feel ready for a
             professionally, and personally. We don’t                  promotion or opportunity, deduce what
             emphasize this enough. These amazing                      they need to feel ready, and provide it.

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