Page 8 - January 2019 Voices
P. 8
You worked hard during those first six months you win the election? What will you do or not
of your leadership term learning the specifics of do next year? Who else might run?
your role. You read the materials, attended the Keep the focus! You are only half way to your
training sessions, engaged in lively discussions, goal for this year. This is not the time to take
asked for and secured a mentor who believed in your eyes and mind off the destination…… If you
you and your abilities as a leader, built a team, were in that plane, you have a high probability
asked for help, offered your support to others, of crashing or ending up somewhere that is not
participated in developing the annual strategic intended. And as a leader, you might not realize
plan, and developed your collaborative skills as the full impact of your loss of focus until later but
part of the team you play and learn with. You have there will be one. And that impact often touches
been delivering on your Toastmaster Promise as many more individuals than just you. It impacts
well as fulfilling on the roles and responsibilities the district members.
you assumed when you were confirmed into One of the lessons I learned is that the leader
your leadership position. Ground school and must always hold the vision. It is the leader’s
supervised training were completed and you responsibility to ensure that we all are headed
were well prepared for the journey ahead. in the same direction. There may be stormy,
And now, six months later, you find yourself turbulent, circumstances that cause the team to
at the midway point of your leadership term. veer off course. There may be personnel issues
You have hundreds of hours of experience and that take longer to resolve than anticipated and
some successes behind you. thus impact your timeline. There may have been
And looking ahead, it is important to a breakdown in communication which resulted
determine if you and your team are still on track in not everyone on the team knowing the final
to arrive at your distant destination. Is the path destination or how to get there together.
still clear? Does the route need to be adjusted It’s time to pull out that original flight plan
or is the route still relevant? Are there more or or strategic plan and all the data available to
different activities for you and your team to do? you. Sit down with your team and review it.
Is there something new to learn? What’s next? Identify and celebrate your achievements to
Perhaps you find your mind even wandering date and where you are on track to achieve the
into what is going to happen next year…. Will other goals. It is also time to reinforce those