Page 33 - January 2019 Voices
P. 33
helped make the WLF Centre’s 25th
anniversary celebration a resounding
and memorable success.
Had I known five years ago what
I know now about Pathways, I would
have been less anxious about where
Toastmasters was going. I would have
reached out to fellow Toastmasters
sooner, and communicated the issues to
World headquarters more succinctly.
Based on what’s happening on the
about it from club mates. I wanted Pathways Discussion Forum,
to communicate my vision more members helping members is the
effectively and was confident that best way to overcome resistance to
this was the right path for me. change.
Indeed, as early as Level 2 (with On a personal level, for my
the twin projects of Understanding next Pathways DTM I want to do as
Your Leadership Style and Understanding many of the electives as possible (instead
Your Communication Style) I could see how of going for the minimum at each level). I am
friction and conflict could be avoided. The currently working on three paths (Presentation
caveat: Accept that people’s styles differ. Develop Mastery, Strategic Relationships, and Dynamic
a Communication Plan (L3) and Share Your Leadership) because I enjoyed working on
Vision (L5) were the most challenging projects, two paths for my first Pathways DTM. This is
because I needed to sit down and think through my personal style, and might not suit others.
what I wanted to say. As with my first path, the Although none of these three paths require an
L5 Reflection was an excellent opportunity for HPL project, I am working on an HPL project
review. that involves Pathways, and am thinking of
• Step 7. For my DTM project, I chose an starting another one that would focus on online
organization outside Toastmasters. Since my attendance.
evaluators were people who knew me for at least For me, a Pathways DTM is definitely not a
25 years, the 360-degree evaluations provided destination. It is truly a journey.
excellent feedback on what I did well and what Michelle Alba-Lim joined Toastmasters in 2016.
I needed to work on. Although not required for She is currently a member of 7 clubs worldwide, and
the DTM project, I used the planning sheets a club officer in 5. She is also serving as a club coach
from my two paths to help guide and inform my and a catalyst for membership growth in District 7
discussions with my DTM project team. Although through blended club adoption.
we missed some of our goals, overall the project