Page 32 - January 2019 Voices
P. 32


      My Journey to Pathways DTM

      Michelle Alba-Lim, DTM

      As philosopher Lao Tzu wrote, the journey of a         during my talk. Eventually, I found a club in
      thousand miles begins with a single step. Indeed,      District 27 (Arlington, Virginia) and immediately
      my  journey to Distinguished Toastmaster in            joined to gain access to Base Camp. Woohoo!

      Pathways began with a single step.                         •  Step 5. On May 1, I did my first self-
         •  Step 1. In 2013, I applied to be a Learning      assessment. To my chagrin, the path I wanted
      Master in the revitalized Toastmasters education       (Effective Coaching) was not among the top three
      program. Although I was not accepted, my               recommended paths. I decided to accept the

      interest was piqued by the regrets letter that         “Best Recommended” path for me (Motivational
      read in part “Thank you for applying to be a           Strategies). That night, I stayed up for hours
      Learning Master . . . The response to the call         studying tutorials, exploring Navigator, and
      for volunteers was tremendous, with more than          exploring Base Camp. Motivational Strategies

      3,100 members applying for the 280 Learning            turned out to be an excellent path. Many
      Master positions.” I wanted to know what these         projects helped me to see how I need to work
      learning masters did, and how it would impact          with my team and ensure that they are ready
      Toastmasters and me.                                   and willing to support me to achieve desired

         •  Step 2. Late 2013, I applied for Ambassador.     goals. Moderate a Panel Discussion project
      I was accepted, but received scant information. No     gave me the impetus to create the Pathways
      one else had any details. For a time, I felt like we   Discussion Forum. I did not expect the group
      were the blind leading the blind. Challenging to       would become so large (currently 8000+

      be a cheerleader about the upcoming revitalized        members) and be considered as one of the best
      education program but persisted anyway.                Pathways resources
         •  Step 3. In 2016, I applied for Pathways          groups/pathwaysdiscussionforum/. Moderating
      Guide. I was accepted but still not much               such a large and active group is challenging,

      information. I felt disheartened but consoled          however each day is a laboratory for applying
      myself that Pathways would be piloted the              the knowledge and skills learned in Motivational
      following year.                                        Strategies.
         •  Step 4. In 2017, I volunteered to speak about        •  Step 6. I started on my second path

      Pathways at the District 7 Spring Conference. As       (Visionary Communication) while I was working
      the conference neared, I searched for a club with      on Level 3 of my first path. Unlike my first path,
      online attendance in a district that had rolled        I didn’t do a self-assessment. I deliberately chose
      out Pathways so I could demonstrate Base Camp          Visionary Communication because I’d heard

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