Page 31 - January 2019 Voices
P. 31


       From the Janus Journal

       B. Lee Coyne ATMS

     Janus was an ancient Roman goddess. She  conduct labels, I much prefer to avert simplistic

     is depicted with two opposite faces: one  taglines. That alternative approach allows us to
     countenance looks forward and the other glances  remove doing the moral judgment of others in
     back. January is named in her honor.                    our midst. We likewise forego being elitist.
         There is a poignant story here. Most of us              Thus let us substitute Healthy or Effective
     are largely indebted to our vicarious past..and  instead of those moralistic Good and Bad
     that past tense can be very TENSE indeed. The  everyday platitudes. That potentially can make
     influence formed via family is immutable.  others feel less like microscope specimens.

     We oft credit our parents as shapers of our                 The Feedback Factor—Is feedback tolerated
     personalities. Also we attribute siblings and  and encouraged? That model can inhibit some
     cousins and grandparents. Physical proximity  from active participation. Perhaps we can
     doesn’t necessarily equate with one’s emotional  designate that type as a “verbal wallflower”.
     closeness. That is critical.                            Negative reinforcement can inhibit speaking up.
         The school can and does become the  While any of us can choose to keep quiet and
     playground of the evolving psyche. Lessons  simply listen, when we find non participation is
     on the blackboard often prove secondary to  pervasive, we may be encountering a mild form
     classroom dynamics. Peer support vs. peer  of carryover PTSD.

     bullying can leave an indelible imprint.                    Some teachers can be autocratic and others
         It can make the difference between action,  permissive. That style is observed by each
     hesitation and isolation. This in turn tunes up  student. Emulation at home may result. The
     our moral compass.                                      lingering effects of past life events are the strings
         Education and Emulation—The teacher  that make us into human puppets.
     emerges frequently as the surrogate parent,                 In philosopher John Locke’s paradigm, we are
     thereby supplementing the birth family’s key  born with a blank slate void of experience. That

     role. He or she offers leadership and direction  slate takes on various demarcations with each
     along life’s ever winding path to the great  significant event. Often they form our personal
     unknown.                                                predispositions.
         Another pertinent factor gleaned from class             This particular January, please share elements
     is a sense of timing action and response. Impulse  of this critique with your friends. Do not simply
     control is the informal lesson. Does the teacher  set sights upon the past as one looking through
     permit a class clown to undermine the flow of  a rear view mirror. A forward focus on the road
     a Q and A session taking place? Or might that  ahead is essential.
     instructor suggest a meeting after class to counsel

     a pupil on “healthier” behavior?
         Rather than the stereotypic Good vs Bad

                                                                                  VOICES! | JANUARY 2019      31
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