Page 29 - January 2019 Voices
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merged with other banks. In the last round of foundation of my work as a Mind-Body Coach.
reorganizations, I was offered a three-month When I started my private practice, I assisted
severance package or an opportunity to go back adults to move through physical, mental and
into lending. It was a time of my life when I had emotional blocks. Gradually, I learned to help
no one to be responsible for or to, except myself. children move through balance, reading, writing
The fulfillment of navigating the corporate and behavior blocks.
world, opening doors for other women and My mission now is to empower people of all
minorities and helping businesses and employees ages to achieve their full potential. There is an
be successful, dissolved in the stress of the Innate Power and potential within each of us. My
reorganizations. I had been practicing meditation work helps people align with that Innate Wisdom
for eight years and reading self-help books, so I and be an expression of it in all that they do. My
took the severance package to explore what else clients begin with a practical goal like speaking
might be possible for me. confidently and authentically to a group. Or, they
After I left the bank, I had no motivation may have a more esoteric intention, like knowing
to fill out a job application and follow through their purpose in life. Their desire is the door to
on the career counseling part of my severance becoming their Best Self.
package. I chose instead to dance, walk in nature
and sit on a north shore Lake Washington beach How has Toastmasters helped you with
contemplating my purpose in life. your coaching business?
Shortly before leaving
the bank, I met a fellow who
introduced me to the field of
Educational Kinesiology and
its self-help program called
Brain Gym (movements that
balance and integrate the brain).
I was intrigued by the work
when he showed me how to use
movement and energy work to
get rid of my chronic headaches,
suggesting that I was a healer
more than I was a banker. I
became licensed in Educational
Kinesiology (Edu-K) in 1993 and
over the next few years began
teaching several of their core
curriculum courses. It is the