Page 40 - 2018 December
P. 40


      Thaddeus Wellington Veness

      Part 2

      Harvey Schowe, DTM - District 7 Historian

      Thaddeus Veness, Attorney, was a member of the Portland
      Toastmasters Club during the 1940s and was known as an
      outstanding critic or evaluator. He was a charter member of the Portland City Club.

      His life will be explored over the next couple of months. Presented here is Part 2.

        The early life of Thaddeus Veness was described  private practice with the firm W. B. Shirley,

       in Part One of this series. After graduating from  Henry Bauer and Arthur.
       Columbia University in 1913, Thaddeus worked              He was a charter member of the City Club
       as an instructor for Columbia University Law  of Portland which was founded in 1915. He was
       School from 1912 to 1913. Following graduation,  elected as  a long-term director for the City Club

       he worked for the law firm Breed, Abbott and  on March 2, 1917 and as president on May 5, 1923.
       Morgan, and was admitted to the New York State  As president he presided over the City Club
       Bar. In 1914, he moved to Portland, Oregon to  programs. He worked on the Development Plan
       start a law practice.                                 for the West Side District in 1921. He continued

          On October 23, 1914, he passed the Oregon  his City Club membership for the rest of his
       State Bar exam that allowed him to practice  life. Other activities included membership in
       law in Oregon.That year, the bar exam had its  Oberlin Alumni Association, Kappa Psi fraternity
       highest failure rate in its history. He purchased  secretary and treasurer, Oregon Temperance

       property on Waverly Heights for a future home.  League, and a member of First Presbyterian
       He continued his interest in teaching when the  Church where he served as secretary and on the
       YMCA hired him as a part time instructor for  Board of Trustees for 18 years. He was president
       their school’s law department after the previous  of the Council of Churches. In 1916, he sang as

       instructor resigned. His tenure began with the  a bass in a mixed quartet during a memorial
       September 20 enrollment. The YMCA board of  service at the Methodist Church on March 15,
       directors approved the articles of incorporation  1916.
       for the YMCA school on December 16, 1919. It              The final portion of Thddeus’ life will be presented

       became the Oregon Institute of Technology  in Part 3 next month.
       junior college on April 20, 1920 with 1,680
       students. In 1915, he worked for the law firm
       of Teal and Veaze until 1926 when he entered

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