Page 38 - 2018 December
P. 38



       Exploring the Fear of Conflict

       Patrick Locke, DTM

      Who are you in conflict with? A family member,  M1 tank.” I would have popped a round in her
      a relative, a co-worker, a boss, a friend, a business,  back window then proceeded to drive right over
      a politician, the other driver, the law, a fellow  her. Then I thought, ya, that’s what I would have
      Toastmaster, and the list goes on, doesn’t it!         done many years ago.

          Conflict is everywhere, in everything, and             When I lived in San Diego I remember a day
      all around you. At any given moment conflict  when that did happen. I turned on the TV and
      could strike out at you from seemingly nowhere!  saw a developing story about a guy who had
      I don’t know about you but conflict isn’t at the  just stolen an M60 battle tank from the Army

      top of my “Things To Do List” every day. As a  Reserve Center, and was at that very moment
      matter of fact I attempt to keep conflict off my  driving it down streets literally crushing cars,
      list! Why? Because I don’t want to deal with it,  RV’s and anything he desired to destroy. There
      do you?                                                was nothing the police could do—the guy was

          It causes tempers to flare and people to get  out of control. The reporter suggested he may
      angry, heats up conversations to boiling points,  have been angry about something! Really, do
      and just plain drives people crazy! When people  you think that could be true? He surely wasn’t
      get crazy they do stupid things! Have you ever  dealing with conflict very well, was he?

      done something that you wished you could have              Conflict can trigger very nasty and
      responded to differently? I bet you have!              debilitating emotions when not consciously
          I couldn’t even begin to count the times my  controlled. During your lifetime what sorts of
      behavior escalated or even initiated a conflict in  conflict have you faced? How have you responded

      the past. I feel I’ve come a long way from those  to conflict? Most of all how have you learned to
      days. Just the other day I was driving down the  resolve conflict? Have you come to understand
      freeway in the number one lane. A car cut in front  by intellect and practice that working through
      of me so close I let off the gas and applied some  conflict is the gateway to relationship building?

      brake but couldn’t have been more than about               I had a recent experience with a close friend
      five feet from the car. Then she rolled down her  of some 30 years. Over the course of a few years
      window and flipped me the bird, I was triggered!  he had made some questionable decisions which
      My first thoughts were, “I wish I was driving an  put him in a bad financial position. During this

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