Page 36 - 2018 December
P. 36
Ravi, the First Toastmaster
Paul Fanning, DTM
Christmas past. No-it wasn’t “visions of Sugar and the Magi or
Plums dancing in my head,” nor “Jolly St. Nick” wisemen, and then
that are my fondest, cherished childhood added characters
memories of Christmas. I’ll always be indebted to including local
my mother for introducing me to the European Provencal
versions of the Nativity story and Christmas villagers present
traditions. From Holland came Saint Nicholas that night such as the potter, fisherman,
on December 6th—and it was coal or gold coins various craftsmen and residents.
in my shoe, depending on my deportment Tradition then spawned legends and tales of
that year. Father Christmas from England and the Provencal story—and it all began with Ravi.
Sinterklaus from Germany—both of them rail You see Ravi was just not a typical local villager.
thin and saintly competed with Charles Dicken’s To some he was “special,” to others plainly the
A Christmas Carol. But to me, the Nativity story “village idiot.” He stumbled around, couldn’t
from Provence, France left me in awe and speak plainly and if and when he did, he couldn’t
wonderment with a deeper meaning to the put two words together to make an intelligible
glittery decorations and lights, sweet treats, and sentence. Yet it was Ravi, the simpleton, the
gifts under the Christmas tree. least of the least who by the miracle of that
It was Ravi, more formally Lou Ravi, who Nativity night, raised his hands in awe, openly
resounded with me, bringing a story from proclaiming the Christ Child and calling all the
centuries before to something I could grasp in villagers “to come and see”, to worship, adore
my young mind and use as an example for what and make homage.
was the true meaning of Christmas. Fellow Toastmasters, Ravi in my humble
Provence in Southern France had from the opinion should be the symbol of our Toastmasters
time of the French Revolution began the tradition program. He would be our inspiration, the
of putting small clay figures called Santons (Little ultimate in what we all want to be in our
Saints) with their Creche sets of the traditional positive membership experience. Ravi was able
Biblical Mary, Joseph and Jesus, the shepherds to speak clearly and plainly, to proclaim and