Page 22 - voices.may2018
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dreamed more often. there is always time to shake hands—with give
Like a kid skipping along where the sidewalk and take—to enjoy the bountiful harvest of
ends, I could care less if my shirt is tucked in mutually-enhancing reciprocity.
or out, if my clothes match as I head out to the Let’s all find our serenity spot, to know where
laundromat, and if my hair is combed. As I chase the sidewalk ends. When we re-engage with
down a baguette in the morning, hustle up the NY our childhood as adults, we are ready to reap
Times International and Le Figaro, or shag a cup of the rewards of the true power of quality people
coffee, I say hello to everyone—a bonjour here connections.
and there. Smiling is an international language. It is criminal in America that so many people
It is fun and amusing watching the American drive the narrative—win-lose. Those of us that
tourists take a whack at their use of the French live a life of win-win are those of us who, like
language, and/or the French taking a stab at using children guided by adulthood, know where the
English. Good for them! They are having fun! sidewalk ends.
As an ongoing student in the French language, Terry Beard initially joined Arlington Club
I am constantly shaking hands with my Toastmasters in 2001. He co-founded Portland Rotary
childhood. We do our learning in our child-ego Toastmasters in 2015.
state. Terry is the author of Squelched - Succeeding
Let’s find the balance between childhood in Business and Life by Finding Your Voice,
and adulthood. There is no need to lose our published in 2017 and available on
childhood when we are in our adulthood. As Visit his book website at You
adults, let’s embrace the child in each one of can reach him at
us. There is a fine line, and we need to learn, to
know where the sidewalk ends.
As children, most of us were taught to take
turns. It is the socially responsible thing to do
as adults. There is a time to be competitive, but