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further. Their perspective and wisdom enhanced support new growth.
the experience. One of the great attributes of 5. Lastly, give the sun of a smile to each other—
Toastmasters is learning from those who have nothing can stop the growth. (Together we
gone before us. can go far…)
When established and new clubs work at
“going together”, we can go further and become Incentives
stronger. All can become beacons of positive light Beat the Clock May 1st-June 30th
in companies and communities. This is Toastmasters International promotion
1. My gardening reminds me that May is the to help our clubs reach their membership and
time to set out tomatoes in the garden. If you retention goals. Clubs adding 5 new, dual, or
want to have a great and bountiful harvest, reinstated members with a join date between
you have to plant deep. A deep foundation, May 1st and June 30th will receive a Beat the
even for a tomato, allows the roots to spread, Clock ribbon to display on their club’s banner.
(networking at a deeper level). Additionally, qualifying clubs earn a special 10%
2. You have to provide the right soil and discount code off their next club order. Finish
nutrients. That is, support and uplift each the Toastmasters year strong by making this
other. Encouragement. your club’s goal!
3. Strive to pull out any weeds of negativity.
4. Water liberally with ideas and feedback that District 7
• New Clubs—Charter by June 30th and the
District will buy you a banner and banner
• Membership—Clubs adding three new
members (new, dual, or reinstated) before
June 30th, can earn their choice of a banner,
banner stand, lectern, or $100 TI gift
certificate. Incentive starts when announced
on May 5, 2018 (at the Spring Conference.)
Fifteen will be awarded—qualifying clubs
will be entered into a drawing.
A big shout out to all our members out there
who are working diligently to charter new
clubs. I salute you and thank you for spreading
the Toastmasters program in order to change
people’s lives. If you need anything, marketing
materials or otherwise, please reach out at cgd@
VOICES! | MAY, 2018 17