Page 12 - October 2017 Voices
P. 12


                                    Susan Bender Phelps:

                                    Professional Speaker

                                    by Brinn Hemmingson, ACG, CL

          I was fortunate enough to catch Susan in             throughout the
      action as she presented to the East Portland             U.S. to prepare
      Chamber. Having crossed paths numerous times,            them to shine
      it was fate that she would be this month’s Voices!       when they deliver
      subject!                                                 high-stakes sales
          Susan lived in New Mexico which is where             presentations,
      she first became acquainted with Toastmasters.           keynotes, appear
      She recruited mentors for a youth-mentoring              on television, or
      program she co-founded and led for more than
      15 years. When she moved to Oregon and became            be interviewed
      a speaker, she was asked to present at the District      for podcasts and
      7 conference (some 8 years ago). Susan had               radio. I present
      completed the Nationals Speakers Association             new ideas and
      – Oregon program shortly before that.                    concepts to
          Susan is a charter member of Toastmasters            leaders in their organizations. Again,
      for Speaking Professionals. She served as the            Toastmasters has helped me hone my skills.”
      Club President last year and Treasurer this year.            Susan said, “I recommend Toastmasters to
      She has been a guest speaker at numerous clubs,          speakers and trainers throughout the country.
      and particularly likes Feedbackers in Beaverton          And, I’ve made some really good friends
      for the useful evaluations they give!  She also          through my membership in Toastmasters for
      was asked to be a target speaker at a District           Speaking Professionals. The speeches given in
      Evaluation Contest (two years before she joined          our club are always inspiring. Being able to hear
      Toastmasters) and had never been timed before            professional speakers and aspiring professionals
      nor did she know about the lights. Needless to           share their dreams, their work, their personal
      say she went over time!!  However, with all this         stories touches me so deeply.”
      experience, she won 1st place for Evaluations at             Susan was selected by Deveny Bywaters, past
      the 2013 District Conference.                            District Governor, to be a speaker at a 2009
          “The first two years I was in the club I was                                    District 7 Conference
      chair of the Washington County Democratic                                           after seeing her present
      Party,” she shared. “Being a Toastmaster taught                                     at a State of Oregon
      me how to run a meeting. I led a monthly                                            Speakers Showcase. She
      Executive Committee meeting with officers                                           is a speaker, author,
      and 12 committee chairs. I also led a monthly                                       mentor, and coach. You
      Central Committee Meeting, usually with 100                                         can learn more about
      or more attendees. Without my Toastmaster                                           Susan, her presemtations
      training, I would have struggled to start and end                                   and training programs,
      on time, deal with contentious issues, and keep                                     and book on her website.
      the meeting flowing and interesting.                                                {editor]
          Finally, I coach speakers and presenters

         12                                                                 VOLUME 4 ISSUE 4 OCTOBER, 2017
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