Page 17 - October 2017 Voices
P. 17
Toastmaster of the Year—The Outstanding
Toastmaster of the Year is awarded to individuals
that have served the best interests of the members
of District 7 above and beyond the requirements Remembering Dick Moser, DTM
of their position in District 7. They have been a
leader, an inspiration to others in Toastmasters, and by PJ Kleffner, DTM
accomplishments outside of Toastmasters.
Outstanding Division Director of the Year—The On Saturday, September 16, 2017, I was
Outstanding Division Director is awarded to individuals honored to become the first recipient of the
that have worked well with the Area Directors within newly-minted Dick Moser Award. For those of
their Division and with District Officers. They have
been a positive, motivational force in the District in you not familiar with this award, the Dick Moser
addition within their Area. Award “Recognizes a District 7 Toastmaster
Outstanding Area Director of the Year—The who demonstrated the Toastmasters core
Outstanding Area Director is awarded to individuals values: Respect, Integrity, Service and
that have had a positive, motivating force in their
Area and the District. They have had successful Excellence, and who does so with enthusiasm,
Area contests and quantifiable results in the Area in warmth, and humor.”
membership, educational accomplishments, dues When I heard
paid, and Area visits to clubs.
my name that day,
Herb C. Stude Educational Service Award—The my first thought
Herb C. Stude Educational Service Award is named
after Past District Governor Herbert C. Stude, DTM. was “There must
This award recognizes individuals who have delivered be some kind of
the most educational service to District 7 members,
whether through educational modules or educational mistake. Surely
sessions at District meetings and conferences. They there are other
continuously give to others and motivate others to members of District
7 who are more
Lou Webb Award—The Lou Webb Award is named deserving of this
after the District 7 telephone Coordinator. This award
is for long-time service to the District. Individuals award than I am.”
are experienced advisors for District Officers, not It slowly sank in as I
for the glory, but simply out of dedication to serving
the District. walked to the front to accept the award.
I don’t know when I first met Dick Moser,
Rookie of the Year—The Rookie of the Year is
awarded to individuals in their first year of activity but it must have been shortly after I joined
at the District level (as an Area Director, committee Toastmasters in October, 2001. I remember
chairperson, etc) has demonstrated contagious seeing him helping out at Area, Division and
enthusiasm and energy.
District events, including the very important
Spirit Awards—The Spirit Awards are awarded to
Toastmasters who worked tirelessly in the District, job of managing the sound system at
and who were instrumental in helping a Trio member conferences. I never saw him get rattled if
to be successful in their particular role. things weren’t working quite right, and he
Dick Moser Award—Recognizes a District 7 always offered a warm greeting and big smile
Toastmaster who demonstrated the Toastmasters whenever I saw him. Some people can be
core values: Respect, Integrity, Service and Excellence,
and who does so with enthusiasm, warmth, and difficult to work with, but I never heard Dick
humor. say a bad word about anyone. He seemed to
District Director Citation—Recognizes personal know that some people just required a little
service and support to the District Director during their more patience.
year of service. This award is not an annual award.
I am proud to be recognized with this
District Appreciation Award—Recognizes award that honors his memory, and hope I
unwavering service to the District and its mission
and the people responsible for its success. Not an can live up to the example set by him.
annual award.