Page 9 - October 2017 Voices
P. 9


      Walking the Path . . .

      by Donna Stark, DTM—District Director

          I gave an Ice Breaker speech last week. It                let them know a
      wasn’t my first Ice Breaker, but it was my first in           little bit about the Toastmasters program.
      the Pathways program. Yes, Pathways is here!                  Pathways is all our new members will
      Whether you’ve been anticipating the arrival                  know—and it has a lot to offer!  I will also
      like a child at Christmas, or have been a little less         be better equipped to fill meeting roles,
      enthusiastic, the wait is over. Our opportunity to            especially that of speech evaluator, if I have
      experience the program first hand for ourselves               some familiarity with Pathways.
      is here.
          I’m finding that Pathways isn’t that different.        6.  Pathways gives newer members an
      It’s enhanced, it offers opportunities to utilize             opportunity to help seasoned members
      modern technology, and all I’ve come to                       get familiar with the program. Yes, you
      appreciate about Toastmasters is still there.                 can teach old Toasties new tricks!
          David Letterman I’m not, but I offer ten               7.  Recognition badges! Now before you
      reasons to consider Pathways.                                 quote from the movie, Blazing Saddles,
          1.  Curiosity. Come on, admit it—aren’t you               as a matter of fact I think I do need more
             at least a little bit curious?  It won’t hurt, I       badges!
             promise—even if you are the proverbial              8.  I don’t need more paper, but I can have it
             cat.                                                   if I want it. If you think everything must
          2.  The core of the Toastmasters program                  be done using an electronic device, that’s
             used to be club meetings. And it still is!             not the case. There’s a lot that can be done
             I still gather in the same place with my               online, or you can choose to print the
             fellow Toasties to enjoy the Hour of Power.            materials as needed. I printed off the Ice
             We speak. We evaluate. We participate in
             Table Topics. It’s all there!                          Breaker evaluation form for my evaluator,
          3.  Online tutorials. The “How to Evaluate”               then uploaded it after the meeting.
             module is excellent, and gives you the              9.  I can access the materials in Chinese!  (No,
             opportunity to compare your thoughts                   I can’t read them. Yet.)
             with that of an experienced evaluator. If           10. Why should you give Pathways a chance?
             I’d had this as a new Toastmaster, I would             Why not?
             have been more confident about giving               Are there features that frustrate me? Of
             speech evaluation a try. (And perhaps I  course! I am a creature of habit. There is new
             wouldn’t have felt the need to bargain with  terminology to learn and new places to go to
             the VP Education to please assign me to         find information. It can be humbling—I thought
             any other role.)                                I knew it all! I am still working in the existing
          4.  I’m a Club Officer. There are things I need    manuals. I have a DTM to wrap up before June,
             to know to support the members in my            2020—Scott Stevenson insists we made a deal.
             club! At some point a member will ask           Pathways . . . I can do this. You can too. Just sayin’.
             me to approve something in Base Camp.
             I should at least know what Base Camp is.
             role at meetings is to welcome guests and  Find YOUR path!
          5.  I’m a club member. Part of every member’s

      VOLUME 4 ISSUE 4 OCTOBER, 2017                                                                           9
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