Page 11 - October 2017 Voices
P. 11

Exploring the Joys of Contests!   FROM THE DESK

 Exploring the Joys of Contests  Just Say Yes!!
 by John Rodke, DTM—Program Quality Director
       Just Say Yes!!

 by John Rodke, DTM - Program Quality Director  by Emilie Taylor, DTM - Club Growth Director
       by Emilie Taylor, DTM—Club Growth Director

          It has been a very busy four months as              are truly changing lives by doing exactly what
      Club Growth Director. Something about                   you are doing. All of you make me proud!
      autumn’s crisp weather that is making me more
      introspective as to how I arrived here. Reflecting      Attracting New Members
      upon my leadership journey in Toastmasters,                 Have you tried a “Bring-A-Friend Day” theme
      I can’t help but think or say that it has been          meeting? It truly works! Encourage your club
      all about saying “Yes” to many things. Saying           members to bring a friend or two. When they
      Yes to opportunities for growth when voices             leave, they will be laughing, happy, and inspired.
      inside wanted me to say “No”, has made all the
      difference.                                             This is the easiest way to attract new members.
          Now, it is                                          Why?  Your friends will finally experience what
          •  Saying YES to helping start a new club           you have been telling them all along. You will
          •  Saying YES to mentoring a new club               have the additional benefit of talking about
          •  Saying YES to coaching a struggling club         Toastmasters to someone besides yourself.
          •  Saying YES, changes lives in many                You want your friends to succeed in life, right?
             positive ways                                    Then bring them in! Advertise your meeting
          •  Saying YES to the world, opens the world         on social media: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter,
             to you, to new ideas, to new friends, places,
             and destinations that you may never have         or Instagram.
             dreamed of                                       Membership Growth Resources
          As the leaves change colors and drift on the
      winds, think about the ways you too can move                •  Membership Growth Manual. It’s a great
      with the opportunity of changing your life in           resource for your club. It outlines the steps
      more colorful ways.                                     you can take to convert “prospects to guests to

      New Club Updates                                        members”. The manual gives ideas to explore
          We have chartered two new Downtown                  such as conducting a Speechcraft. There are
      (Division F) clubs as of July 2017. Congratulations     other ideas for business awareness programs,
      to Yammertime and The Toast of Old Town                 publicity and advertising.
      Toastmasters clubs!                                         •  How to Rebuild a Club is a valuable
          Four new clubs are on the verge of chartering.      resource if your club is struggling. This manual
      Charter papers have been submitted by                   is available as a free PDF.
      CareOregon Toastmasters Club, Make the World                Congratulatons to the following clubs
      Toast, and GetMarketing Toastmasters. Callisto          for earning a $25 gift certificate towards the
      Integration is gathering the final signatures for       purchase of any supplies from the Toastmasters
      charter submission.
          There are also several clubs in our District        International Store. These clubs paid their base
      who are meeting and working diligently to               membership dues by September 15th.
      charter clubs. Thank you, fellow Toastmasters,              •  Cascade Micro-Toasters
      for spreading the Toastmasters Program. You                 •  Arlington Toastmasters Club

      VOLUME 4 ISSUE 4 OCTOBER, 2017                                                                         11
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