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Leadership Lessons
by Michelle Alba-Lim, DTM - District Director
On July 1, I will collaboration.
be “Immediate Past 4. Don’t be afraid to admit you made a
District Director.” It has been three years since
I started my journey in district leadership. First, mistake or committed a faux pas. If I had a dollar
Lieutenant Governor Marketing (now called Club for each time I put my foot into my mouth these
Growth Director). Then, Lieutenant Governor past three years, I would have quite a stash. No
Education and Training (now Program Quality one is perfect. Trying to pin blame on someone
Director). Finally, the first District Director else is not effective leadership. A great leader
(formerly called District Governor). For months, whose name eludes me right now said “Great
I would get tongue-twisted with the new titles. leaders take responsibility when something goes
Ironically, now I find myself referring to someone wrong, and gives credit to their team when things
who served years ago as a “director” rather than go well.” I’ve learned that sincere apologies allow
a “governor.” We are such an adaptive species! people to reset, and move on.
A key factor in adaptation is the ability to
learn from past experience. These past three 5. Treat people with LOVE. When you lead
years have certainly been a treasure trove of from the heart, people will see your authenticity
learning opportunities. I would be remiss if I and open up to you. For more on this, join me
did not share some of the lessons I’ve learned at my TLI session “Leading with Heart.”
during my leadership journey:
1. Aim for big, hairy, audacious goals. As 6. Do things for the right reason(s). First
WCPS Ryan Avery puts it, “Aim BIG!” Or as PDG Vice-President Balraj helped me to realize that
Cathey Armillas says, “Set ridiculously lofty goals there were times during these past three years
and go for them. No matter what, you’ll be much when I lost sight of WHY we were doing some-
farther than if you hadn’t even tried.” This year, thing, and became too focused on the WHAT
we aimed to achieve President’s Distinguished and HOW. As Simon Sinek puts it so succinctly,
District. Whether we achieve this goal or not, we we need to start with WHY.
are certainly doing our best, right down to the
last day of this term. 7. HAVE FUN! When you lose the spirit of
2. It usually takes much more time, effort, fun, any task becomes arduous and painstaking.
and resources to achieve a goal than initially
anticipated. Build buffers into your plans. The Please share your own leadership lesson with
more important or critical the plan, the larger me at
the buffer should be. This was (and is) a humbling
experience for me. I had several plans that I had A leader is best when
intended to implement these past three years and people barely know he
unfortunately, not all of them have materialized. exists, when his work is
One example was creating a simple, low-tech, done, his aim fulfilled,
easy-to-understand “D7 Rewards Program.” I had they will say: we did it
the vision for how I wanted it to be, but lacked
the technical skills to execute it ourselves.
3. It’s okay to say “I don’t know.” Admitting
that you’re not omniscient opens the door for Lao Tzu
others to share what they know, and invites
8 Volume 2 Issue 12 - JUNE 2016