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EDITORIAL                                                       Publisher

               Are You Committed?                                         Phyllis Harmon, DTM

                                  by Phyllis A. Harmon, DTM               Associate Publisher
                                  Immediate Past District Governor
                                                                          Brenda Parsons, ACB, ALS
    I was recently told that “Commitment” was a stuffy, old
fashioned word– a bludgeoning concept rife with responsibility,           Senior Editor
obligation, and a life of mind-numbing tedium. Not at all in
keeping with our fast-paced, modern society!                              Phyllis Harmon, DTM

    Well, maybe. But consider the 2005 definition of commit-              Associate Editors
ment provided by Ashbash on
Commitment is what transforms the promise into reality. It is the         Leanna Lindquist, DTM
words that speak boldly of your intentions, and the actions which         Erik Bergman, DTM
speak louder than the words. It is making the time when there is
none. Coming through—time after time after time, year after year          Layout/Design
after year. Commitment is the stuff character is made of; the power
to change the face of things. It is the daily triumph of integrity over   Phyllis Harmon, DTM
skepticism.                                                               Curtis Low

    Ashbash’s definition resonates in my bones. The phrase                2015-16 Officers
coming through—time after time after time, year after year after year
holds me fiercely in its grasp. I firmly believe that commitment          District Director
means never giving up when the going gets rough, even when
the desired results look out of reach. It’s facing the twin fires         Michelle Alba Lim, DTM
of fear and doubt, and having the courage to move forward
anyway. It means forging your own path instead of traveling               Program Quality Director
the safer road paved by public opinion. It means committing
to being a work in progress.                                              Leanna Lindquist, DTM

    How courageous are you? Did you face your fears this                  Club Growth Director
year, and do something outside your comfort zone? Did you
step up when asked, and challenge yourself to be the best you             Erik Bergman, DTM
could be? Did you strive, grow, and reach for the stars? Were
you successful? Did you celebrate your successes with friends             Finance Manager
as loudly as you could? Did you learn from your disappoint-
ments—become stronger through the refining fires of adversity             Jill Ward, ACB, ALB
and public opinion?
                                                                          Administrative Manager
    As the Toastmasters year draws to a close, are you committed
to continuing your journey towards becoming the person                    Tom Knapp, ACG, ALB
you were meant to be—to being a work in progress? Are you
committed to leaping boldly into the coming year geared with              Public Relations Manager
the knowledge that you can and will beat back the twin fires of
fear and doubt? Knowing that whatever challenges you face—                Becky Holm
and there will be many—you will prevail and grow stronger
because you persevered? Are you ready? It’s time. Your future            Voices! is published monthly by
awaits.                                                                  District 7 Toastmasters. First issue
                                                                         published August 2014. Submit
                                 Be Extraordinary!                       articles via email at voices@

4 Volume 2 Issue 12 - JUNE 2016
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