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can inspire someone to say, “I can do that.” your knowledge, sharpen your speaking skills
In District 7 the three awards are a combination and push yourself along the way. You will go
out of your comfort zone. There is no growth in
of any three different educational awards, excluding the comfort zone. Your leadership skills will be
the High Performance Leadership Award. tested, tried and refined. You will be a mentor,
coach and friend. It may take you 3 years or 20
In the past six months I have seen a ripple effect. years. You will serve as a role model. If you are
People wear their pins to meetings. They refer to lucky other members will say, “I want to be just
themselves as Triple Crown Achiever. People email like him/her when I grow up.”
me to say they earned their Triple Crown Award or
they will be earning it soon. They want to know if I will never forget the day I walked across
there will be a pin for them at TLI in June. People the stage to receive my DTM medallion. I felt
love public recognition. like it was an Olympic Gold Medal being placed
around my neck by Rose Wellman. My son, the
Did you know we have members in District 7 who
have earned over 30 Competent Communicator Eagle Scout, was in the audience.
Awards? That’s a lot of framed certifi- My home club was whooping and
cates to hang on a wall. Is there a world hollering. I was hugged by dozens
record for the most CC Awards earned? of Distinguished Toastmasters
Will someone from our District set the who had gone before me. They
first world record? More likely they welcomed me into their ranks.
believe there is no endpoint to what The feeling is indescribable. This
they can learn. I’m guessing they want fall I will earn my 3rd DTM award.
to make sure members have the oppor- Why earn multiple DTM awards?
tunity to improve their evaluation skills I think it can best be summed up
by providing them a manual speech to by Scott Stevenson, past District
evaluate. Whatever the reason, there 7 Governor, as he accepted his 5th
are Toastmasters who continue to earn DTM. “The road from CC/CL
awards. to DTM is a wonderful learning
experience and well worth the
I mentioned the Distinguished effort. Even though I have made this journey
Toastmaster Award, DTM for short, as several times, each time has been an adventure
the granddaddy award of them all. It is the highest in learning and has been a memorable experi-
honor bestowed upon a Toastmaster. When people ence! When I arrive at my destination (DTM),
ask me what a DTM is I reply, “Its equivalent to I always look forward to starting the journey
the Eagle Scout Award.” Most Setting goals to earn awards will help you get
people know it takes a lot to the most out of your Toastmasters experience.
be an Eagle Scout, and few July 1st is the first day of the new Toastmasters
achieve the rank. My son is year. What are your goals? What will you
an Eagle Scout. I have earned achieve this year? What awards will you earn?
two DTM awards. I feel it is a Leanna Lindquist is the current Program Quality
fair comparison. Compared Director and 2016-17 District Director-Elect. She
to our numbers, few can call is a member of 4 clubs Marylhurst, Feedbackers,
themselves Distinguished Daylighters, and Patriot Talkers. She is also serving
Toastmasters. as a club officer and club coach.
Why do some people
choose to go the extra mile
to earn these awards? Perhaps
it’s about their personal
legacy or the prestige. I’m
guessing there’s at least a little bit of both. The
major component is the journey. Along the way to
becoming a DTM you will stand before an audience
to deliver your message 50 times. You will share
6 Volume 2 Issue 12 - JUNE 2016