Page 11 - Voices.June.2016final
P. 11

as Club Growth Director

Visit to Wells Fargo - L to R: Erik Bergman, 1st VP Balraj  Mid-year training in Las Vegas, NV - L to R: Leanna
Arunasalam, Michelle Alba Lim                               LIndquist, Erik Bergman, Michelle Alba Lim, Joan
                                                            Lewis (Region 2 Advisor).

                                                            Flags at the 2015
                                                            Toastmasters International
                                                            convention - Erik Bergman

U.S. Bank Corporate Recognition Award - L to R:
Erin Stammer and Erik Bergman

2015 International Convention Distinguished
District Recognition - L to R: Dottie Love, Jim
Kohli (Region 2 Advisor) Patrick Locke, Karen
Locke, Gary Schmidt, Erik Bergman, Scott
Alexander, Cathey Armillas, Sophia Ashgar,
Allison Bennett, Rose Wellman, Michelle
Alba Lim, Bob Smith, Phyllis Harmon, Connie
Smith, International President Mohammed

Volume 2 Issue 12 - JUNE 2016                                                           11
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