Page 13 - Voices.June.2016final
P. 13

Toastmasters Leadership

            Wilsonville High School

         June 25, 2016 - 8:00-2:45pm

 8:00-   Commons                 Registration, Coffee and Conversation

 9:00-   Cafeteria                              Welcome and Kickoff to 2016-2017

  9:30-  Cafeteria                              Millennial Marketing

 10:15-  Transition

         Cafeteria    101        103 105                        107        117        127          129

10:30-   Art of            VP           VP      Sgt @ Arms  VP Public  Secretary      Club         Club
                                 Membership         Peter   Relations     Treas    Coaching    President
11:30am Evaluation    Education  Emilie Taylor     DeGraf                  Jerry              Carol Wagar
                         Alexis                               Phyllis               Allison
         Eric Winger    Mason                               Harmon      Kleffner   Bennett

 11:30-  Commons                                District 7 Potluck Extravaganza

 12:45-  Cafeteria               Awards, Raffle and Two International Speech Contestants

 1:30-   Transition
1:45pm   Cafeteria

                      101 103                   105 107                     117        127        129

  145-     Stage           VP    Parliamentary Networking       DTM    Presidents     Table     Leading
2:45pm   Presence     Education                             Bootcamp    Guide to     Topics   with Heart
                                 Procedure      Cathy                      Club    Jim Wolak
           James        Patrick                               Leanna     Success               Michelle
           Wantz         Locke   Cate Arnold    French      Lindquist     Donna                Alba-Lim

2;45pm Cafeteria                 After TLI Conversation with the Trio (optional)

         6800 SW Wilsonville Rd, Wilsonville, OR 97070

13 Volume 2 Issue 12 - JUNE 2016
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