Page 17 - Voices.June.2016final
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from the Better Speaker Series, Leadership         something that words could not express. We
Excellence Series, and Successful Club Series,     were flattered to have so many Toastmasters
speech contests, and debates with college          International leaders attending one of our
students. All of these opportunities provide       meetings.
variety and help bring our members together
like a family. This provides a good foundation         Andrew joined Capital Toastmasters in 2014.
for people whether in prison or when they          He is currently serving as the club’s VP Public
parole.                                            Relations officer.

    	 During our business meeting, we spoke         Prison Toastmasters Clubs
about some of the challenges members of             Teach Skills Useful for Job
prison clubs face. Things like: availability of     Search
meetings, the financial strain of paying dues,
and the lack of access to technologies like               Although programs of various types exist
the Toastmasters International website. We           in prisons across the country, those operated
spoke about the largely believed misconcep-          by Toastmasters International have proved
tion that members of prison clubs can have           particularly successful. Toastmasters volun-
all the time that they want to work on club          teers across the nation have taught inmates
related activities. The fact is, most members        speaking, leadership and organizational
of Capital Toastmasters work full time jobs,         skills and instilled the type of confidence
are involved in other programming/learning           that will help them when they search for a
endeavors, and are limited to one general body       job upon release.
meeting per month. We have worked hard to
implement systems that allow our members                  Prison Toastmasters organizations are
to work on projects at smaller meetings and          supported by Toastmasters clubs on the
other functions.                                     outside, and one of the most active is in
                                                     eastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island,
    There was a lot of information covered,          where 25 volunteers support 15 programs in
many ideas shared, and potential solutions           men’s and women’s correctional facilities.
discussed. As the meeting ended, there was a
great sense of accomplishment, and a feeling              On the surface we teach people how
that good things are on the horizon.                 to speak, but what we teach is much more
                                                     than that. We teach them how to think
    	 After our business meeting, everyone           critically, organize their thoughts, tap into
came together for the second event of the day,       their passions, and develop teamwork and
the speakers meeting. Five speeches were given       leadership,” says Susan Tordella-Williams, a
by people ranging in experience from someone         writer, speaker and activist in Massachusetts.
giving their second speech to someone giving         “When I go into the maximum security
their sixty-sixth. There was even a Competent        prison they have no idea what teamwork
Communicator award attained by one of the            is. They do everything alone. They wait for
speakers. After the meeting, our VIP guests gave     things to be done for them. Toastmasters
us great feedback, and told us how impressed         offers regular practice to develop new ways
they were with the things that our club is doing.    of thinking, speaking and working [More]

    	 Wow! What a great day it was. The                   Reprinted from 2013 blog posted on Jailsto-
members of Capital Toastmasters have worked          Jobs, Jails to Jobs, a Section
very hard to make this an awesome club. For          501 (c) 3 public charity, is an organization that
eight years in a row, our members have worked        gives ex-offenders the tools they need to find
hard and attained the President’s Distinguished      employment.
Award with all 10 Distinguished Club Program
goals met. Having such honored guests come
into a maximum-security prison to see what
our members were doing, and how they main-
tained such a high level of accomplishment, was

Volume 2 Issue 12 - JUNE 2016                      17
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