Page 14 - 2016 february issue
P. 14


Spotlight on Simon Bosley

By Alexis Mason, DTM

                                          	  they met at a party at which       International, and had what he
Simon Bosley (say Boze-ley),                 Simon was the only English         told me was a “Eureka moment.”
describes himself as an intro-               speaker. They were married in      It clicked. Simon said that
verted scientist. However, his               1991. Almarina grew up in a large  Toastmasters and the feedback
story is compelling and it was               Italian family and was homesick.   he received about being believ-
a delightful experience for me               They relocated to Brazil and       able but not passionate pulled
to interview him. Simon was                  lived there from 1994 to 1997.     him out of his introversion.
born in England, near Oxford,                They came to the Portland area
and spent his school years in                in 2005. By this time, Simon had       	 Since then, Simon
what he described as Hogwarts                the responsibility of conducting   has been recognized as Area
boarding school. He received a               software seminars. His boss        Governor of the Year, started
terrific education in physics and                                               EcoVoices in 2011, and has
began his career in aerospace                told him that while he certainly   completed his High Performance
in England. When I asked him                 knew his material, he lacked the   Leadership Project, among
what the appeal of physics was,              passion and energy to commu-       other accomplishments.
he mentioned how inspired                    nicate well in product training.
he had been by watching the                                                         	 Beyond Toastmasters,
moonwalk when he was quite                       	 Simon met Cleon Cox          Simon started his own busi-
young.                                       who did for Simon what he          ness in 2013 as a Sharepoint
                                             has done for so many others.       Consutlant where he assists
    	 After four years working               Simon joined Wallmasters           customer teams to understand
in his career, when he was 28,                                                  and embrace the core concepts
a friend of Simon’s whom he                                                     so that they can make effec-
visited in Berkeley while on                                                    tive implementation decisions.
vacation talked to him about                                                    He and Almarina are active in
a job in Silicon Valley. The job                                                the Brazilian community in
offer came with airfare as well,                                                Portland, especially enjoying
and was too good to pass up.                                                    the music scene.

    	 Six years later, Simon                                                        	 Please take the time to
met his future wife Almarina.                                                   introduce yourself to Simon. I
She was Brazilian and had been                                                  know you will enjoy getting to
sent to Cupertino, California,                                                  know him.
for three months to improve her
English speaking skills. In 1990,

                                             ScanEagle Club is proud of our first DTM,
                                             Dave Anderson, pictured here with our
                                             club president, Dia Nickelsen.

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