Page 9 - 2016 february issue
P. 9


Planning, Preparing, and Practicing

           by Leanna Lindquist, DTM Program Quality Director

    Being proactive prevents problems in the             Let’s Practice. . .
future. Under the current dues renewal policy,
clubs submitting dues for at least 8 members                 To help us prepare
by the 10th of the month following the begin-            for the policy change, clubs can practice submit-
ning of the new dues period receive credit for           ting dues before the deadline during the upcoming
the Distinguished Club Program. Members                  April dues renewals cycle.
are “graced” for 60 days following the start
of the dues period. During the graced period,                Your club can earn a gift certificate to be
members can hold office and enter contests.              redeemed in the Toastmasters
                                                         International store. Tell us what
    Beginning with                                       contest, strategy or incentive your
the October 2016                                         club uses to inspire your members
dues period, the term                                    to pay their dues early.
“graced member” will be                                  This is how the contest will work.
discontinued. Members
whose dues are not                                           1.	 Develop your plan for
recorded at Toastmasters                                          collecting dues early
International by the
beginning of the new                                         2.	 Submit your action plan here by April 1,
dues period will not be able to hold office or                    2016.
compete. It is imperative that all dues reach
World Headquarters by September 30, 2016                     3.	 Submit dues for at least 75% of your members
for members and clubs to remain active.                           by March 31st to be entered in a drawing
                                                                  for $75 to the TI store
    Policy 2.0: Club and Membership Eligibility
(effective October 1, 2016):                                 4.	 Submit dues for 100% of your members by
                                                                  March 31st to be entered in a drawing for
    A paid member is one whose dues have been                     $100 to the TI store
received by World Headquarters for the current dues
period. An unpaid member is one whose dues have not                  Holding Great Contests
been received by World Headquarters for the current
dues period. Unpaid members are not considered to                 Ryan Avery, District 7, is the youngest
be in good standing by Toastmasters International.           World Champion of Public Speaking.
                                                             Those of you who were around in 2012 may
    A club is considered paid and is in good                 remember he visited many clubs delivering
standing when its dues have been received by World           his speech and obtaining feedback. Members
Headquarters s for the current dues period for a             support members. Consider taking your
minimum of eight members—at least three of whom              speech to another club for their feedback.
were members of the club during the previous renewal         Perhaps you are the next World Champion
period.                                                      of Public Speaking.

    If dues are not paid prior to the following renewal           Toastmasters International has created
period, the club is suspended from active status, all        three tutorials to help you put on a great
services and membership status for the club and its          contesr when you are the judge or contest
members are discontinued.                                    chair..

                                                                  Please see the District 7 Calendar for
                                                             upcoming contests. If you are a trained judge
                                                             please say yes when the request to judge
                                                             comes your way.

Volume 2 Issue 7 - FEBRUARY 2016                              9
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