Page 7 - 2016 february issue
P. 7
Volunteering behind Steel Doors
by Susan Brenner, ATMG, CL
B-O-O-M!! The heavy steel volunteer at club meetings.
door slammed shut behind me. Why am I involved with the Audacious
I flinched, my skin prickling.
“Don’t worry,” said my escort, “You’ll get used Orators? I believe that Toastmasters is one of
to it.” I dutifully trailed next to her, making our the most transformational self improvement
way through the long corridor leading into the programs available. In this club I see women
main highway of the Coffee Creek Correctional who are courageously working to change their
Facility in Willsonville. Here I was, my first time lives, reaching out to empower and support each
walking inside a medium security state prison, other in a stressful prison environment. Like
on my way to a Toastmasters club meeting. all of us in Toastmasters, they are confronting
Feeling nervous, I entered Room M-111 poised their fears to improve themselves; they’re just
to meet the ladies of the Audacious Orators. doing it “behind the walls.” One day when they
What a great surprise! With the exception of leave prison, thanks to their experience in
the location of the club, and the uniformity of Toastmasters, they’ll be better prepared to be
dress, this was a Toastmasters Club like any of successful citizens.
the others I’ve known. I found myself relaxing
and enjoying the meeting, which was expertly I feel privileged to be a small part of this
run by the club officers and members. The group, joining the cadre of outside volunteers
club participants were friendly and expressed that allows it to even meet. Now when I enter
interest and thankfulness that I had come to the Facility and the heavy steel door echoes
volunteer. In turn, I was impressed with the “BOOM,” I don’t jump out of my skin as often.
meeting and with the depth of sharing, humor I’m usually ready for it. I guess that makes me
and sensitive revelations. When asked what my part of the group, happy to help. The Audacious
impressions of the meeting were, I compli- Orators meets the first and third Tuesdays
mented the club members on their being savvy, from 7-8:30 PM. If you’d like to visit a meeting,
fun and thoughtful. contact Ginger Killion at or
I returned the following month, and every Merilee Krebs at
month since. Now a year later, I have received
my volunteer badge and count myself a regular Susan joined Toastmasters in 1998, and is a
member of Clackamas Stepping Stones and Audacious
Volume 2 Issue 7 - FEBRUARY 2016 7