Page 10 - 2016 february issue
P. 10


Starting New Clubs, One Office Tower At A Time

by Erik Bergman, DTM, Club Growth Director

                                                It’s not often    Stumpf, was featured as the January cover story
                                           that one building
                                           is the birthplace      in Toastmaster magazine. When the company’s
                                           of multiple new
Toastmasters clubs in one year. That’s the                        top boss says that Toastmasters cured his fear
unusual scenario that is about to take place in
the Wells Fargo Center in downtown Portland.                      of public speaking and made him successful as
                                          We have already
                                          chartered one club,     a leader, colleagues listen. “Toastmasters was
                                          PDX Pioneers, at
                                          the commercial          the vehicle that saved me,” Stumpf said in the
                                          real estate offices of
                                          CBRE on the 30th        interview. “Toastmasters was not only a safe
                                          floor. And with a
wildly successful kickoff meeting at Wells Fargo                  place to learn how to speak, it was a collab-
Bank on the 10th floor, another club is on the
horizon.                                                                                                       orative place where
    It’s always a great sign when the room for
a kickoff meeting is too small for the crowd of                                                                people genuinely
people who want to learn about Toastmasters.
Such was the case at Wells Fargo. The room                                                                     wanted to help each
we were scheduled for held 25, but the over-
flow crowd soon                                                                                                other get better.”
packed the room
and blocked the                                                                                                If you work in or
hall. The Wells
Fargo staff quickly                                                                                            near a large office
found a larger
conference room                                                                                                tower, or if there is
to accommodate
all 45 prospects, and we moved the entire crowd                   Club president Jason Green (right) holds up   a Wells Fargo office
and our meeting supplies to the new location.                     the club’s new banner with Erik Bergman at   near you, perhaps
(Toastmasters are flexible and adaptable!)                        the PDX Pioneers charter ceremony            that building needs a
    The kickoff meeting went brilliantly, we
answered lots of questions, and it appears Wells                  Toastmasters club. Send your idea for where
Fargo is on its way to chartering its own club
soon.                                                             we can start a new club to me at cgd@d7toast-
    None of this can happen without behind-
the-scenes planning. As he did with CBRE, once          
again Cleon Cox, DTM, was the chief instigator
and collaborator working with a top executive                     Every season is recruiting season
at Wells Fargo to make the kickoff event happen
and ensure great employee participation.                          Besides building new clubs, as a District we
    It sure helped that Wells Fargo CEO John
                                                                  want to build the membership of existing clubs

                                                                  to keep them strong. Successful clubs know that

                                                                  every season is recruiting season.

                                                                  To boost your club’s membership in the

                                                                  next two months, Toastmasters International

                                                                  offers this incentive: Talk Up Toastmasters—

                                                                  February 1–March 31. Add 5 members, earn


                                                                  Clubs that add five new, dual or reinstated

                                                                  members with a join date between February

                                                                  1 and March 31 will receive a special Talk Up

                                                                  Toastmasters ribbon to display on their club

                                                                  banner. Qualifying clubs can also earn a special

                                                                  discount code for 10 percent off their next

                                                                  club order at the TI online store. Plus, District

                                                                  7 will pitch in a special bonus prize for your
                                                                  club! Take advantage of Talk Up Toastmasters.
                                                                  Encourage your members to invite guests to
                                                                  a meeting where prospective members can
                                                                  learn about the many benefits you enjoy as a
                                                                  Toastmaster. Toastmasters love to connect, so
                                                                  take advantage of it.

10 Volume 2 Issue 7 - FEBRUARY 2016
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