Page 16 - 2016 february issue
P. 16


                       A Shot of Vitamin B

                       by Shannon Milliman

                       Toastmasters starts a         Accountability (on paper) assignment. Enjoy it,
                                                     you only get one! Sign up for a role, give a speech,
results-driven, idealistic page for our lives. We    yes, but do it for this meeting alone- solely for
                                                     the sake of enjoyment. Do not allow yourself
are invigorated by the acheivement, career           to note evaluations for others or give yourself
                                                     manual credit.
changing advantages and progress-oriented
                                                         Instead, scan the Toastmasters in the room and
people involved. We are on top of the rainbow;       silently note what you appreciate about the gifts
                                                     they bring to your club. Allow the brighness of
we see hues of opportunity with every challenge      spirits and diversity of talents fill you up. Consider
                                                     the gratitude you have for this space and for what
and then six months, six years or six days pass and  it has empowered you and the special souls you
                                                     have honored inside to progress, through. Find
somehow, somewhere under this rainbow, the rain      delight in the imperfections. Reflect on why you
                                                     truly are a Toastmaster. Every person’s reason will
starts to sprinkle. On an especially cloudy day,     be different. Share why you are a Toastmaster...
it pours table topics and contest chairs.
                                                         And if you are challenged finding the positive,
When a strong          desire to acheive is          take a metaphorical Vitamin B shot! Let the clouds
                                                     part thatToastmaster who stutters and says “Um,”
juxtaposed with        life’s interruptions—         42 times every time he gives a Table Topic and if
                                                     the next speaker seems to refuse to incorporate
                       low energy, fatigue           the helpful feedback the group gave last time, take
                                                     pause. Allow your temporary No Accountabilityto
                       and lack of motivation        be a self-realization towards something specific
                                                     you can re-direct your efforts towards. Maybe
                       can be a result. Such         you have not signed up to give a speech in six
                                                     months because you were allowing your focus to
                       barriers affect you at work,  be on the rain rather than the rainbow. Where
                                                     you will be accountable in this No Accountability
                       home or in acheiving          meeting is at the end. Find a specific moment of
                                                     the club and express gratitude to one individual
                 your Toastmaster’s goals.           who brought you new light. Recognize the light
                                                     change when gratitude is expressed and focus on
Experiencing this cloudiness                         the beauty that Toastmasters brings.

of perspective, I hit a rainstorm.                       Next meeting, bring your books and remember
                                                     the heart, the humanity and the color in the
Maybe this unrest I felt was                         rainbow that Toastmasters really is. Be the color
                                                     and say thank you and you will soon find Vitamin
more than the weather telling me                     balance within you and within your club.

Toastmaster Arthritis was acting up!                     Shannon joined Toastmasters in 2013, and is a
                                                     member of Competitive Speakers PDX. She loves to
Certain that my malady was defintely severe, I       write. Look for more articles from her in future issues.

decided to visit my Dr. I was already anticipating

when my lobotomy would be scheduled. Much

to my surprise, what did the Dr order? Nope,

not more cowbell, a shot of Vitamin B! After a

charge of beneficial nutrients, as anticipated, I

was able to identify all the moving parts in my

life and focus on SMART goals for my speaking

and leadership goals.

The moment spurned me to consider an

unconventional recommendation for other

Toastmasters who suffer from the diagnosis of

Progress-Is-For-the-Birds-iosis, Irritation-Cause-

I-Never-Win-itis, Throw-In-The-Towel-iosis,

Woe-is-me-itis. Dr. Milliman (disclaimer, not a

real dr) has found a way to apply the healer’s art

to these maladies. “Dr.” Milliman prescribes a

temporary prescription of disconnecting from the

books, the checkmarks, the rules and the ribbons.

Before giving up, leave your books behind when

you attend your next meeting. This is your Zero

16 Volume 2 Issue 7 - FEBRUARY 2016
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