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P3 —Passion, Purpose, and
by Bob Pugh, ATMS, CL
If you have not had a life event that be trusted. Confidence comes from your belief
disrupts your plans, you will at some in what you are doing.
time! At an early age I saw myself a successful
person inspired by what I perceived as promi- Perseverance is supported with your own
nent professions. As I grew, my goals focused compelling vision of the future. Steve Jobs
on the world of business where I envisioned said “People don’t know what they want until
myself in a successful career in corporate you show it to them.” Your life is just like that,
America. without a compelling future vision for yourself;
you will not reach your full potential.
Well that dream came true, as I spent
my first 17 years working for a company, When I was dismissed from all that I had
eventually rising to a top leadership position known, what I didn’t realize was what propelled
with that company. Then, in a 10 minute me in a successful career would be what would
conversation, that career and all my work allow me to move forward with my future. I had
went away with an un-ceremonial dismissal! always had a firm set of values, a strong sense of
My world had collapsed and I was set adrift Purpose filled with Passion, and Perseverance
and confused. that came from a compelling vision for my
future. Never underestimate yourself. With a
What I have discovered is that if you have well-defined set of values, a passionate mission
Passion, Purpose, and Perseverance you have statement tied to a compelling vision you can
the keys to overcome and you can come accomplish your biggest dreams.
through that life event stronger and more
successful than ever. Bob Pugh joined Wallmasters International in
1995. He was the first recruit credited to Cleon Cox,
Passion starts by knowing what your top DTM. Bob is currently serving as club president. He
five values are. They are the foundation of has been an active member since joining, serving as
your principles and core beliefs. What do club treasurer for several years. He competed and
you value most in your life? Is it freedom, won both evaluation and table topic contests at the
honesty, spirituality, family connections, Division level.
health? What you value most in your life is
where your Passion is. Outside of Toastmasters, he is a Registered
Representative and Investment Advisor
Purpose is your personal mission state- Representative with Transamerica Financial
ment. The author David Bach says that if Advisors, Inc., Transamerica Financial Group
you know your “Why”, you’re a far more Division. Robert works with individuals, families,
likely to reach the goals you set for your life. and businesses and non-profit organizations. He
Incorporate your top values in your mission is dedicated to helping families achieve financial
statement to further strengthen your ability independence. Using the resources of Transamerica
to handle life disrupting events. Financial Advisors, Inc. he believes it’s important to
help families accumulate and preserve their wealth
Your key to success in anything you set out through active third party management. In addi-
to do is to have purpose and passion above tion to the advisory services he uses a suite of other
all else. If you do not believe, you will not services and products.
10 Volume 2 Issue 6 - JANUARY 2016