Page 14 - 2016.01.19Voices!
P. 14
Spotlight on Alexis Mason
By Alexis Mason, DTM
I was old when I retired. Well, life that way, but didn’t realize opportunity!
not really, since I was only 53. I the power that Toastmasters has Since then, which was the
had taught for over 30 years and as a change agent. I thrived in
believed that I should “leave the the nonthreatening culture of Toastmasters year 2006-2007,
party while it was still fun.” I felt my home club and realized that I have continued to learn and
old, though, because I couldn’t none of the awards were totally grow. Each time I complete
clearly see many options. I out of reach. I achieved my the basic manual, I learn more.
remember at my retirement first Distinguished Toastmaster The manual doesn’t change
banquet saying to the crowd (DTM) medal in 35 months. much, but I do. I appreciate the
that they would probably find When Ted Corcoran, the insistence of my home club,
me at the blood bank handing International President, placed Clark County Toastmasters, on
out cookies and juice or at the it around my neck he whispered, our adherence to protocol. You
library reading stories to “We expect more from you.” know the one: “no manual. . .no
their children or grand chil- Really? OK. speaky”.
dren. Worst case scenario,
I told them, I would volun- With wonderful encourage- I now identify as a
teer to relieve their hospice ment from “friends in high speaker, author, coach,
caregiver. places” I ran for Lt. Governor of and storyteller, with busi-
Marketing, then Lt. Governor of ness opportunities related
That was in 1998 at the Education, and finally District to each of those roles. I
end of the school year. Governor. What a fulfilling play clarinet in a senior
Two years later, in July band, sing with a senior
of 2000, I was invited to chorus and am active in
a Toastmasters meeting our church. I’ve never
by Dave, who had been been busier, and have
attending for a year or never enjoyed life more.
so. I went and everything It’s all due to Toastmasters
changed. I was extremely self- and I will forever be
conscious and had always been. grateful.
I was fine in my class, fine in a
parent conference, not so fine
anywhere else.
I didn’t want to live out my